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My name is Jadalyn Carter.

People who know me call me Jade, or the 'biggest slut of Lincoln High.' Either one works for me. I don't have a preference anymore.

I'm so used to being slut shamed, that being the resident 'bad girl' doesn't even phase me anymore. People don't come around me, either they are scared of me or they think I'm a 'disgrace' to humanity.

You see, being single for your entire life isn't so bad. It saves you from massive dick-weeds who show the entire football team your nudes.

The sad part is, I didn't even send any nudes.

I have dark brown hair with brown doe eyes. I stand at five foot four inches and have been the better part of a toothpick my entire life. Last year, I was popular. I had all the preppy friends, the quarterback boyfriend, captain of the cheer squad, and everyone worshipped the ground I walked on. I was living it up, until everything came crashing down in a fiery blaze.

Now, for every popular girl, there is one other girl who is slightly less popular. That slightly less popular girl is extremely jealous of what you might call the "Queen Bee."

I, Jadalyn Carter, was the so called "Queen Bee," and Julia Maxwell was the slightly less popular girl. We played best friends on the outside, but when no one was around, we were arch nemesis. We hid behind our phone screens, bashing each other from afar. But, when we came face to face, we became sickeningly sweet to one another. When we were younger, we actually were best friends. We look the same, so it's only natural that we became besties and called ourselves 'twins.' We stopped being actual friends when Julia realized that I was more popular than she was.

One day, during one of our phone wars, Julia took things to a whole new level.

I was showering after a very tiring day of cheer practice. We had regionals coming up, so we were practicing night and day to kick some ass and take home that giant trophy. Anyways, after my shower, I couldn't find my towel. I figured I might have left it in my locker. Seeing how all of us girls change and strip in front of each other all of the time, I didn't think much about it. I strolled right through the locker room butt-ass naked. Little did I know, Miss Julia was taking pictures of me, somehow with amazing quality.

I'm not denying the fact that I look hella hot in those pictures, because I did, but I'm not saying it's okay.

Well, Julia decided to send the pictures to my dumbass boyfriend, Eli Hough, that I was only dating to get a higher social status because he is the quarterback. When Eli got the pictures, he decided to show off to his friends, and like I said before, Eli is a dumbass. Some of his buddies talked him into sending them the naked pictures of me, because yet again, Eli is a dumbass.

You can probably guess what happened from there.

The pictures were everywhere, and by everywhere, I mean all over the freaking town.

I had kids I didn't even know adding me on Snapchat, following me on Instagram and Twitter asking for more nudes.

With a snap of the fingers, my "Queen Bee" status was replaced by "Queen Slut." Now Julia Maxwell is the new "Queen Bee" of Lincoln High and I'm the whore.


Now, I have perfected the resting bitch face and own up to my new reputation as the new senior class slut. I only have two friends now, Jeremiah Nichols, my gay best friend, and Macy Bradford, my overly available best friend.

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