A Guy I Knew That You Know Too by Nonfictionsim

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A Guy I Knew That You Know Too by nonfictionsim

I sat down at my computer, wondering what to write for this. I thought I might write a fun little story - but I couldn't think of a topic that I could do that wasn't painfully cliché, having to do something with the much loved bad boy.  So, I'll tell you something I once thought of that randomly crossed my mind:

Have you ever looked at someone and just thought: wow, they're good looking? This happens to me quite a lot - and I'm sure many of you experience it too. Or something along the lines of that - such as, I wish I looked like that too. I don't know. Maybe it's just me. But, nevertheless, I will continue.

There was this kid I knew. I always thought that, you know, they had pretty good genes and good looks, in the non-sexual way - I suppose. As non sexual as "you're hot" between two hetero guys, if that makes sense. (My best friend, who happens to be gay - not outing - always says it's too straight for him to talk like that).

Long story short, I actually became friends with this guy (and I'm not saying how or why because, Jesus, imagine if he read this and realised. I'm not saying more in case anyone works it out).

But, moving along, he turned out to be really insecure about everything. Even his smile, that made me smile, and personality spewing some of the most peculiar jokes, he hated. Yet, I adored all of it because it made me weirdly happy. And, it was sad to me that he felt this way. He held himself to such a high standard and was crazily self-conscious, however, I couldn't have immediately thought of anything I would change about him.
By no means was I in love with the guy, but, I think a part of me wanted to be more like him. So, when he turned around and said he wanted to be less like himself, I couldn't possibly think why.

I then recalled so many other situations I had been in, such as taking a photo. You look at yourself and think about everything wrong with you and look at your friend who seems perfect. But at the same time, they're thinking the exact opposite.

That got me thinking about myself. Yes, I may joke about being tumblr trash and I can look at myself in pictures and just want to be sick: but, so many people feel that way. All these little imperfections that we think we have - others don't even register.

Why don't they register it? Because it's irrelevant. The imperfections you have just make you yourself and there is no point wishing to be someone else, because as soon as you're them, you'll find new things you 'hate'. But, when you used to look at them, you saw nothing wrong.

My advice to you is to realise, that whatever it is you beat yourself up for, it doesn't matter.  And, if someone does pick up on something you feel insecure about, they're just trying to make themselves feel better about their very own insecurities.

Please note, I still do completely agree with embracing your individuality and that it doesn't matter what size you are or if you have acne or whatever it may be: because it doesn't, contrary to what some reading may say.

We all feel the same, despite the fact the things we 'hate' don't even matter.
I think that's the take away message. Although perhaps not empowering like, I suspect, some of the other entries, it definitely holds a message that proves how we all feel.

 Although perhaps not empowering like, I suspect, some of the other entries, it definitely holds a message that proves how we all feel

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This raw and honest post was written by the fantastic nonfictionsim.

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