The Confession

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This chapter was requested by SwordOfPeace .

Ezra was in his room trying to meditate but just couldn't concentrate. Someone was on his mind and that someone was Sabine. Sure he had a crush on her before but this was different. Some could say he really liked her no this was different he loved Sabine.

Ezra stopped trying to focus and sighed. He stood up and thought I'm gonna have to tell her eventually.

He was snapped back to reality when he heard a knock at the door. He went to go open it and his face met with Sabine's smiling face. The face I grew in love with he thought smiling back at her.

"Hey Ezra" Sabine started "I was just wondering if you would like to help practice with the draksaber." "Sure" Ezra said as the two of them walked to the training area.

Chopper followed them thinking this could be interesting.

At the training area

The two of them circled around each other with their lightsabers in their hands. "Remember keep your stance wide and your body lowered."(Guess that reference.)

"Ok i will can we just get to the fighting." Sabine asked. "Sabine Wern always looking for a fight." Ezra quipped. "Yeah well it's been a long time since I put you in your place." "Well your going to be waiting a long time because today is not the day." Ezra teased Sabine. "Well see about that." Sabine said with a determined look on her face.

She made the first move and tried to attack from the above but Ezra quickly blocked it. Then she tried a series of attacks but none of them knocked Ezra down. He was just too quick.

Then Sabine remembered her repulsors on her mandalorian vambraces. She quickly used them on Ezra and he went flying backwards. She quickly ran over to him about to deliver the final blow but he quickly go up and blocked her.

"That's not gonna help you this time." Ezra said then attacked her once again. It looked like it could be any ones game but then Ezra had an idea.

He quickly did a series of attacks. Sabine couldn't keep up with him. When she was running out of strength he knocked the darksaber out of her hand.

"Man I thought I was getting better." Sabine said with frustration in her voice. "Hey just because you didn't beat me doesn't mean your not good. It took me years to learn and trust me you learned more than I did over the last couple months. Trust me when I say your good." Ezra said.

"You really mean it?" Sabine asked. "Yeah and that's what I love about you." Ezra blurted out, realized what he then blushed

"What you love me?" Sabine asked blushing."Yes I do but I understand if  you don't feel the same way."Then Sabine ran over and kissed him on the lips.

Ezra was surprised at first but then kissed back putting his hands on her waist.  It was about a minute till Sabine broke the kiss and said "I love you too." Then kissed him again.

Chopper recorded the whole thing and quickly went off the show the others.

  After that The two spent the whole day together. When it was getting dark they started to head back to the ghost. When they went back to the ghost Hera called the two to the common room.

They looked at each other and Sabine said "Ok I didn't do anything did you do something?" " No not that I can think of." "Ok I hope we are not in trouble."

They went to the common room were they were met by Hera, Chopper and Kanan. "Care to explain this." Hera said  then Chopper projected a video of them kissing from earlier.

The two of them blushed then Sabine said "Its a long story." "One that we have time for now spill it" Kanan said then the two started to explain. Let's just say it was a long night for the both of them.

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