Chapter 4: Surprise surprise

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     "Rinny darling, it's time to wakeup!", Mother opened the curtains in my room to let the sun shine inside my room.

     I squinted my eyes due to the sudden light on my face. Mother seldomely wakes me up like this, early in the morning. I fluttered my eyes open and sat up, trying to comb my strangled hair with my fingers due to my tossing and turning overnight. I yawned and stretched my arms up from my deep slumber. There's probably something important today, that's why they're waking me up this early in the morning. It's five thirty for god's sake! 

      "Geez Mother, why are you waking me up this early in the morning? The sun has barely risen up.", I complained, still half asleep as I forced to open my eyes but resists to do so. "What's so important that you woke me up this early anyway?", I asked, still struggling to sit up and try to stay awake.

     "Haven't you forgotten dear?!", she exclaimed in disbelief. I don't seem to forget something. I looked at her with my face very puzzled, full of curiosity.

     "I don't seem to forget anything Mother.", I replied, still very curious. "Tell me, what is so important today?", I asked once more.

     "Rilliane Kagamine, have you gone completely bonkers dear?", I cocked my head to the side. "Today is your seventeenth birthday!", I widened my eyes in disbelief. How could I not forget my birthday?! I looked at the calendar, it's December 27. Great. I have completely forgot my own birthday! But still, why are they waking me up this early?

     "I-i'm sorry Mother, I was probably half asleep, that's why I felt quite bonkers.", I apologized. Mother then placed a uniform on my bed. I cocked my head to  the side in confusion. "U-um, Mother, what's that uniform doing in my closet? I thought Mister Handlock, my tutor ould come to teach me?", I asked still very puzzled.

     "Well, your father and I talked about you going out alone and we realized that you're already turning seventeen and have enough responsibility going outside alone. We felt rather sorry for you.", she said, trying to fix the uniform.

     "What are you trying to say Mother?", I frowned as I studied her face.

     "Since it's your seventeenth birthday today, our present to  you is to go outside these gates and go to school with real classmates and people!", she smiled in delight. Finally! I could go out for the first time without them! They finally understand me. A huge smile from ear to ear appeared on my face.

     "Happy birthday dear Rinny!", I saw dear Father entered the room. A tear fell down my cheeks with happiness. I quickly headed to him and gave him a huge bear hug.

     "Thank you, thank you Father!", he laughed. "I couldn't bare to see my little girl frown or cry from boredom, so we sent you to a real school." I smiled.

     "But what about Mister Handlock? Isn't he tutoring me?" I asked

     "Oh don't worry dear, we've taken care of him."

     "So, what kind of school Father?", I asked still smiling.

     "Eastwood Academy dear. The academy is just right around the corner near our estate. So there's no need to ride any carriages dear.", Mother said.

      "And it has high quality facilities and great training for a genius lady like you.", Father added.

     "Oh dear! Look at the time! You're gonna be late for the first day of school! You better clean yourself up and go down in a jiffy okay?", Mother said.

     "Don't worry Mother, I wont be long." I  replied as I entered the bathroom.

     After freshining up, I put on my uniform. It's such a beauty. I put on my white kneesocks and my black doll shoes then placed a white ribbon on my head asa headband to finish my attire. I walked on to my mirror and bushed my golden hair then placed the comb down. I gazed at my own reflection on the mirror. If only Len could see me right now. I thought which made me recall the things we did yesterday. I turned around to see if there's something wrong on my uniform. None. So I quickly headed down to stairs and ate breakfast. 

     I quickly devoured my meal and hurried to the door. Our butler opened up the gates and handed me my shoulder bag. It was not long until I arrived to the school. I stared at the gates of the academy. "Eastwood Academy huh? Well it is nice to meet my acquaintance to you dear academy.", I whispered. I entered the gates and into the halls to find my class. "Wait, isn't that Rilliane Kagamine?" "I've heard that they're a fortune. What a beauty, for a lady like her." I could hear whispers of  jealousy and charm around me but I didn't seem to mind. 

     As I entered the classroom that I was assigned in, there was still people whispering around me. And to my surprise, Mister Handlock is our adviser so I guess that wouldn't be a problem. 

     "Everyone, please welcome Miss Rin Kagamine. It's her first time going to school, so please be easy with her alright? Why not introduce yourself to them love?", Mister Handlock announced. 

     "Hello everyone. I am Rilliane Kagamine, otherwise known as Rin from the Kagamine estate. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.", I lifted my skirt and bowed like a fine lady would do. I could hear everyone awed and wowed on me.

     "Miss Kagamine, you will be seated beside Mister Len over here and get to know eachother.", I widened my eyes in disbelief. Len!

     "Hey Rin. What a surprise."

Romeo and Cinderella (My version) RinxLen KagamineWhere stories live. Discover now