Chapter 1: The day I met him

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 "Rin!" mother yelled out to call my name.

"What is it mother?", I asked.

"Oh dear, would you please come with me and help me do the groceries?", I groaned.

     Oh by the way, I am Rin Kagamine, a noble who lives in a mansion. I am sixteen years of age and I find everything we do...boring. Look, first of all, I wanna be normal just like average teenagers would do but dear mother over here wont let me go loittering to these so called "commoners" that we nobles usually call which I find it rather disturbing. What's with nobles and commoners? This is how terrible the world is. I just wanna be free. Being able to go out this filthy estate would be a miracle but that would never happen right?

"Comming mother!", I yelled back as my personal maid put on my corset.

   I let out a big gasp as she tighten up the ribbons of the corset.(It's 1700s deal with it -_-) She then put on my brown autum colored dress that reached just below my knee, a white kneesock, a pair of red velvet doll shoes, and a hat with a ribbon on top to complete my attire. I let out a sigh as she tighten up the dress. Why can't I do things all by myself for once? Im sick and tired of everyone doing things for me. I went down the stairs with dear mother waiting impatiently near the main door.

"Come dear, we don't want all the imported Japanese pastries go out of stack do we?.", I shook my head and obeyed her as I entered the carriage. 

     It took us a while going to the market. I sighed as I boringly watched at the estates owned by selfish nobles go by. When we arrived at the market, mother hurredly pulled me towards these crowd as they each buy these so called "Japanese pastries".

"Wait here sweety as I get some of those tasty pastries.", she informed me.

"Whatever mother."I replied as I leaned to a wall watching the people pass by me.

     Minutes later, this crowd of people got my attention. They were cheering with joy and gasped in awe. I cocked head to the side with curiosity. So I went to this crowd of people to find out what they are all so joyful about. As I went inside the crowd, I saw this boy around my age with golden yellow hair being pony tailed as he played the guitar and singing this song with so much passion. He then glanced at me which made my cheecks go dark. He sang and sang and sang with songs of all sorts. The last song he sang seemed rather familiar to me. He continued singing towards me. Wait, what is this feeling in my stomach? And why is my heart beating so fast? What is this? With his golden orbs staring at mines, I quickly hid my face with my hat to hide the crimson shade on my cheeks. I never felt this way before.. This is all too new to me. He then took my hand and led me towards the center of the crowd. Once he finished his lovey dovey song, he gave me a smile which made me blush even more.

"What's your name my fine young lady?" Damn for a commoner like him, he sounded rather casual I'm impressed for a man like him. "Rin," I held out a hand. "Rin Kagamine. How about you?" I asked as he held my hand to shake it. "Len," he replied. Our moment was interupted once I heard my name across the street. I forgot! Mother was waiting for me.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

" My mother, I was told not to talk to commoners. I completely disobeyed her. Can we meet sooner or later?" I was in a hurry.

"Uh y-yeah sure" he replied, still confused. "Well, b-bye!"

     I hurredly ran to mother. Good, I'm still safe. "Rin Kagamine, where have you been? Don't tell me that you have been loitering around with those filthy commoners?" she said.

"Uh.. no. I-I was just wondering how those machinery would work with such power." I lied as I pointed to this shop across the street.

"I see.. well, look the weather just changed in a jiffy! Lets go inside the carriage and go home shall we?"

     I obeyed once more and stepped inside the carriage. Once we went inside, I was still thinking about this boy I just met near the market. What is this feeling? Is this love? Why am I so new to this? No! This can't be love! Mother forbids me to talk to commoners anyway. But what if I am falling for him? Stop it Rin! These questions flooded in my mind.

"Rinny?" My deep thinking suddenly stopped when mother called out.

"Um.. y-yeah?" I asked.

"You seem to be spacing out ever since you stepped into the carriage. Tell me, what's the matter dear?" , she asked.

     Should I tell her that I have spoken to a commoner? Will it be all fine to her? Would she? No! She could punish me."Oh, umm it was about this machine that I told you earlier. Uh, y-you see, I couldn't really get over with this machine. I was just imagining how it would look like if I was the one who invented it." I lied.

"I see. It's wonderful to go window shopping for once right?"

"Uh r-right.." I stared at the window once more and thought about this Len guy. He seemed rather charming than any other gentlemen that suited me before. It's nice to talk to a commoner for once. Len..

Romeo and Cinderella (My version) RinxLen KagamineWhere stories live. Discover now