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A/N: Dedication = for being an awesome fan lately! Just letting you know I appreciate you! I appreciate all of you! xD


Leera walked towards the former king with heavy feet and tears on her girlish pretty face. She'd just lost everything, her mom, her dad, her brother. She'd watched as the man with the ugly gray skin murdered both her parents and he brother, driving his black sword through each of them. She'd watched as he burnt their house down on top of them. She was only five years old.

She grew up with the Kakariko Village as her parents, sleeping and eating in each of the citizen’s houses, with everyone who would accept her for the night. Other than that she grew up in the outdoors, climbing to the peaks of mountains, hills, and tall, tall tress, watching as the people of Kakariko Village lived, traded, loved, and struggled, but mostly struggled. There wasn't enough food to go around, and the houses that were left housed at least two or three new occupants since the Moblins destroyed a house each month. The village rebuilt another each month and a half as well, but it wasn't fast enough to keep everyone housed with their own families. But not Leera, she preferred it that way anyway. She liked the freedom, she liked that she wasn't tied down to any one family. She'd already lost one; she didn't want to risk losing another.

During her youth, Leera would sit up on those hills, those mountains, in the trees, and she would try and figure out one thing.

Why didn't he take her life too?

She didn't really remember that day except for the basics. She couldn't remember what her parents looked like, or her brother. She didn't remember what her house looked like, or her bedroom. Nothing but that sword, that sword and the fire, always the fire, and the man with the ugly skin and his maniacal, taunting laughter.

The other villagers told her that she cried for three days, silent tears streaking her face, until she finally cried herself out and fell asleep. They said that she wouldn't eat, would hardly sleep, she mourned herself sick. They said it was a miracle the medicine man saved her. Even after that, and she resumed her daily life, eating regularly and making herself healthy again, she still cried herself to sleep every night, and she would only talk to herself, and even then it was only murmurs, no one could understand her.

She would often visit the grave sight of her family, empty except for the tombstones and the wild flowers strewn across the ground in a neat line that she spent her time lying out.

It wasn't until a year later and she was almost seven that she started speaking again. The first thing she asked anyone but herself was this.

"Will you teach me?" Her smooth honey voice asked of the startled Kerce. Kerce had been a friend of her brother. When he died, Kerce took up learning the ways of the blade, just like he and her brother were planning to do when they were older. He'd promised himself that he wouldn't let Ganondorf take anymore lives. He vowed to protect Kakariko Village from harm.

Leera wanted to learn, to protect, too.

So he taught her, he could not refuse. She'd lost so much, she'd lost everything, and it was the only thing he had to give back to the small seven year old girl. With time, Leera would grow to be a young girl of twelve, her skills with the sword growing twice as fast as she aged. Already, she'd mastered techniques that Kerce would have estimated to take her at least ten years, and she was still climbing.

At age thirteen, Leera experienced first hand what it would be like to fight in combat, her opponent being Kerce, the twenty two year old with years of experience behind his blade.

She was defeated with little difficulty on Kerce's part, the blade to her throat before he even broke a sweat.

Leera was nearly devastated. She made it her goal to be able to match Kerce in combat - match, not defeat. She trained with herself and with Kerce in all her spare time, she didn't back down for a second. With another year behind her blade, she met Kerce in combat for a second time.

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