The Legend of Zelda - Hero's Mark

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The Legend of Zelda - Hero's Mark

The Legend of Zelda returns in a new age, and things may be more complicated now than they ever were before. With the Evil Lord Ganondorf on the throne, and the princess, Zelda, seems to have gone missing, who will save Hyrule from utter destruction? Everyone expects the alleged Hero to appear and save them all, but no such man has yet to show his face. Not believing in the so called hero, a girl called Leera steps up to the challenge.

Orphaned as a child, Leera is a strong fourteen year old girl, and a master with a blade. She seeks revenge on Ganondorf for the murder of her parents and older brother, and she carries that grudge with her, fueling her desire to train, her determination to be the best.

Leera knows that, in order to reach Ganondorf, she must train harder to be stronger, faster, and smarter. Her first mission is to destroy Ganondorf's weakest ally, the Forest Temple in the Lost Woods, but this may not be as easy as she thinks. Before Leera even gets a chance to enter the temple, she meets someone. He's older, at least twenty-three, and he doesn't talk much, but she can tell he's strong, stronger than her. He could be exactly what Hyrule needs to get rid of Ganondorf, but Leera refuses to accept this. She believes that she deserves to defeat Ganondorf for what he did to her family, and won't let the man take what's rightfully hers.

He considers her stupid and naive for thinking she can destroy all of Ganondorf's allies and Ganondorf himself, but he's not complaining. He decides to accompany the young girl with a fiery attitude to the temple. Will the dynamic duo be able to defeat the monster of the forest temple? Will they be able to move past their differences? And what has happened to princess Zelda and the lost Hero? Will they ever come back? Or will Ganondorf continue to torment the very people he rules over?

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