He'll come

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"Are you feeling alright, Midorima-kun?" asked the doctor as he scanned through Midorima's eyes with his penlight. "Your eyesight and nerves are working perfectly, I think the prognosis looks good on you this time" he continued as he wrote his final observations on the patient's file.

"Thank you, Doctor." The green-haired basketball player of Shutoku mutters under his breath.

"By the way, where is your friend anyway?" the doctor suddenly changed his subject as he eyeing the room to see none of the figure of a once loyal black-haired visitor.

MIdorima shuffled uneasily under his blanket when he heard the question. It is a question he's been wondering ever since he woke up from his coma too. "I wonder, doctor.." Clearly there was sadness cloud over the face of the patient lying on the bed as he gazed to the bright blue sky through the window.

MIdorima's thought was brought back when he felt a comfort tap on his shoulder. "I've seen his fair share of burden and guilt that he's been carrying around the whole time you are asleep, Midorima-kun." Midorima arched his eyebrows as to wonder why the doctor said so. "Maybe.. this time you'll do the talking?? After all, he talked a lot while u slept through. I'm sure you've heard most of it, isn't it? You know what you need to do, deep down you know it." He winked to Midorima before he left the room.

Midorima smiled to himself, "Yeah.. I know what to do."



It is such a fine day. The sun is up so high accompanied with the bundles of clouds that dances around, blew by the soft wind. Bird's chirping around. "Congratulations! Cancer, you placed first in today's Oha Asa." Takao looked at the screen of his phone. It was opened to the website of Oha Asa, something that he never missed ever since he gets to know Midorima. "Today, your lucky item is a calligraphy brush." Takao chuckled at the weird item that was deemed as lucky for the day. "I wonder how's he holding up.. Shin-chan.." his hand squeezed tight to a calligraphy brush that he brought with him for the day. Once again, he failed to bring himself to go visit Midorima ever since he woke up from his coma. He clicked his tongue as he gets up from where he was and breathe a sigh.

It has been a week. He still cannot believe that Midorima is awake and now probably is on his way recovering at high speed. It's a good thing definitely. He can still remember when he heard the sultry voice called out to his name when he woke up. "Takao.." his heat thumped at his calling. He was over the moon to see his ace-sama to open up his eyes. Yet, why he cannot bring himself to face him. Was it the guilt? Was it the shame? Or was it the fear of being consumed by his own darkness again?

He mulled over this for so long that he can't bring himself to see Midorima. Every time he sets foot to the entrance of the hospital wing where his Shin-chan is situated at, he always turned back. He still remembers when Miyaji-senpai had told him that Midorima had asked for him. His heart clenched. He wanted to go see him, he really does. But the guilt and fear are eating him up and he has no courage to do so.

Rringggg~ rringgg~ "Takao here, what's up senpai?"

"Where the fuck are you?!" was what he received from the other line.

"I'm somewhere, what's wrong senpai, why did you shout at me for no apparent reason senpai? Is it because.."

"Midorima's condition worsened all of a sudden, and he's back into ICU. It's very critical." Takao froze.

"Takao.. hey.. Takao!!!"

His phone dropped as he picking up his speed and ran towards his Shin-chan.

Impossible! Impossible! He just wake up, how can he goes into critical state again! Fuck! Those were all he can heard and mutters to himself as he ran with all his might to the hospital. His hand gripped tightly to the calligraphy brush, the lucky item of the day. His tears began to blur his vision. No matter how much he tried to wiped it off, it just kept rolling down his cheeks. No! No! this can't be! Shin-chan, you're gonna be ok. You're gonna be ok. You're definitely will be ok. Shin-chan, don't you dare leave me again.

He ran with all his might.



"Takao.. hey.. Takao!!! Tch.. shit why isn't he saying anything? Hello!" Miyaji clicked his tongue.

"You sure this'll work, ace-sama?" He sat back down on the chair beside the bed. "You don't think he'll suspect anything?"

"Senpai, thank you. And I'm sorry for having you to lie for me-nodayo." Midorima bowed as much as he could to his senpai. It was the only way he could think of to get Takao to come see him. He wasn't allowed to leave the hospital yet, but he couldn't wait no more. He knows if he waited longer than this, it will all go down the drains, and he will not allow that.

As he looked out the window, he put up a faint yet confident smile. "Senpai, today Cancer placed first in Oha Asa."

That remark just got an arched eyebrow from Miyaji, "So?"

"Everything works in my favor, senpai. Takao will come. He will come for sure-nodayo." Just then, he sees a familiar figure reached the entrance of the hospital. He was out of breath, gripping a calligraphy brush in his hand.

Midorima got off his bed. Albeit limping, he still tries to go out of his room.

"Hey hey, where you going?" Miyaji tried to stop him.

"Let me go senpai. I need to go to him now." He looked out the window, which attract the attention of a senpai to look out as well. He chuckles and finally let Midorima go.

"Ahh.. I see.. You're both idiots. Go."

"Yea.. we are. But, he's an idiot that I love and this time I won't let him get away from me-nodayo" Midorima said.

He limped out slowly, but surely, this time, he will manage to catch his hawk again.

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