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I crack my eyes open to the light coming through the window of my hotel room and a splitting headache. I quickly shut my eyes in pain and run off to the toilet after I feel a wave of sickness overtake me. I released all of the contents in my body from last night until I am dry-heaving over the, now filthy, toilet.I finally find the strength to take a couple of breaths and wipe the tears streaming down my face. I try my best to regain my composure, as I feel my chest rising up and down rapidly. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to drink last night.. The only thing I remember is talking to the bartender, then it is all blurry.

As I lay my head against the toilet, I finally feel my breathing come back to a steady rate. That is until I feel a hand clasp onto my back. I did what most people would do in my situation, and throw myself away from the unsuspected person. I feel my head hit a hard surface and let out a shriek of pain. I pull my hand up to my throbbing head, forgetting why I jumped back in the first place.

I once again feel the unknown hands grab onto me and gently say, "Hey, it's me. It's alright.." I squint through my hazy vision to see Jide rubbing my back and supporting the back of my, now throbbing, head. In any other situation, I would run away. I'm upset with JJ, I don't know how I got in his room, and he is main reason I got drunk in the first place. But I was a complete mess.. I needed him.. I felt a wave of nausea come over me as I mumble a sound of irritation. I close my eyes with relief as he grabs me by my sore waist and carries me back to the main room. I felt embarrassed, scared, even a little bit sorry that JJ had to deal with my hungover state. A wave of relief comes over me as I am laid down on the bed and hear the blinds quickly being pulled down, blocking sunlight from entering the room.

I cautiously open my eyes in fear of being blinded once again, but I am met with JJ's figure standing over me before sitting on side of the bed beside my knees. He slowly reaches for my hand and I gladly let him take it. I will do anything for some contact right now; I just want to feel reassured, warm, safe; things that I don't feel as I lie in an unknown room with a man I haven't seen for months. He slips his fingers through mine and rubs his fingers over my knuckles, making shapes on the palm of my hand here and there. He looked content, I was content.

We probably spent ten minutes just lying around before I broke the silence. "What happened last night?" I ask in a faint whisper, afraid to hear the answer myself. He finally takes his focus off my hand and looks at me straight in the eyes. He sighs as he scoots over to me and lies down on his back, his head lying next to mine. Due to my touchy personality, I take the opportunity to lie my head on his hard chest and wrap my arm around his waist. He responds to my gesture by rubbing the small of my back with one hand and playing with my faded hair with the other hand. He takes a minute to think before taking a deep breath.

"I was in my new Uber when I got a call from Vik.."



I told him everything. From Vik calling me, to the fight with Josh, to him passing out. He stayed silent the whole time, making shapes on my chest and tracing his fingers along my abs. It wasn't until I was done until I noticed tears building up in the corner of his eyes. I quickly turn his head to mine and wipe them away with my finger. He keeps his eyes glued to my chest as I do so and doesn't say a word.

"Si, look at me," I say sternly, but with caution. The last thing I want to happen is for him to have a complete breakdown. I'm trying to fix him, not break him even more.

His eyes meet mine, a glossy layer covering them, as he gives me a look of despair. I finally ask him the question I've been meaning to ask since I came back.

"Did you know I told Josh to tell you I love you every night? That I was okay? That I would be back?" I asked, hoping I would get a simple 'yes', but that wasn't the case. He only looks at me with a look of confusion, almost as if he was dumbfounded to hear it. He shakes his head no, as tears fall and he drops his head onto my chest, gripping my arm tighter as I continue to ask questions.

"Did Josh hurt you?" I say, poison dripping from my voice just saying his name. He instantly tenses, and he lets out a sob as I pet the top of his head. He gives me no respose, but the tears that drip onto, so I ask one more time.

"Did Josh hurt you?" I ask once again, this time more serious. I hear another sob escape his throat as he pushes his face against my chest and responds with a muffled-

"I don't want anyone to get hurt..."

I quickly lift him up from my chest and sit up to the point where he is straddling my waist. I grab him by his shoulders and pull him into an sudden hug. "No one is going to get hurt, not anymore.." I whisper as I kiss the top his head, hoping that it will calm him down. His muscles slowly begin to loosen and proceeds to hug me back, but this time harder. He lets out a muffled "I love you" as he pulls his head out of my shoulder and plants a kiss to my cheek. If I was white I would definitely be blushing right now..

I lean back until be are both lying down, him right on top of me. Alright, if I was white, I would be as red as Ethan right now...

I rub my hands over his back as his breathing steadies and head lies next to mine. Trying to break the tension, I quickly grab my phone and type in my code. He watches intently as I open my images and go back to March. I smile as I click on the first image of the treetops in Africa.

"Since Josh didn't tell you anything, I'm going to tell you everything I did these past few months..."



I probably spent an hour talking while Simon just listened. I've learned that about Simon, he never interrupts a story, no matter how long it is. He just laid there while I talked on and on about my trips to Romania and Indonesia while I stroked the faded steaks of silver in his hair.

"And then I bought my plane ticket and now I'm here, so... yeah."

He tilts his head up from my chest to look me in the eyes and does something I never expected.

He kisses me.


It wasn't anything crazy, it was a simple, sweet, and left me wanting more.

I wrapped my arm around his waist in order to deepen the kiss, Si letting out a squeak of shock in the process. I sit up against the headboard, allowing him to straddle my lap once again. He takes the opportunity to grab the back of my neck and seal his lips to mine, letting out a moan of pleasure in the process. I slowly feel myself becoming more aroused as I run my hands up Simon's shirt, feeling his soft skin and shallow breathing. We spend what felt like hours but was only a couple of minutes letting out moans of pleasure, pulling at each other's hair in satisfaction, and feeling shocks of electricity throughout our body any time one of us moved the slightest. Simon finally ended the kiss- well, make out- with his hair tousled, lips swollen, and cheeks red. He looks at me with the most innocent smile while he struggled to regain his posture and catch his breath- he is so beautiful. He slowly inches his face towards mine until our foreheads are touching and asks, "What are we?" I take a second to think before answering-

"Whatever you want us to be.."


That's some cheesy 👏 shit 👏 cheesy 👌👏👏 shit 😩💦👏👌 right there. 😩👏💯💯 -Oli

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