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The match starts in an hour and the tension is rising between the opposing teams. We know that YTAS wants the trophy this year, so we are going to have to give it our all. Although, at the same time, I want to help Vik score a goal. I lie my head back against the bus seat and let my mind shut off and forget everything around me. Luckily I was sat next to Caspar, who I had already spoke to, and was having a conversation with another member of YTAS. I am usually up for conversation, but it has changed these past few months. It is crazy to think of how much I have actually changed throughout this small period of time... I wouldn't call them good changes either..

My eyes snap open as I hear a conversation that interests me. Instead of joining in, I just listen..

"So, K.S.I, how drunk do I expect to see you at the after party?" Callux teases, making the whole bus erupt with laughter.

"I don't drink anymore," he says quietly, almost in a whisper, keeping his eyes glued to his phone. The whole bus goes silent. JJ always gets drunk at parties, so this was a turn of events on everyone. I can't even count on my fingers how many times I've had to pick up JJ from a club to help him walk home. He used to tell me that it would make the experience more memorable, but I always told him he did it to forget..

The bus was silent after this, everyone blended into their own conversations. I don't think anybody knew how to react to JJ's response. Hell, I didn't even know how to respond to that.. The only time the bus got louder was when they made it to the stadium. The bus was bombarded with fans being herded off by officers. It was super surreal to see, and everywhere you looked a camera was aimed at you. While the other boys took the opportunity to Vlog the moment, I simply put my hand between my face and the window so no one could film me. I always hated being recorded without my consent. I know that consequence comes with my job, but I still do my best to avoid the attention. I spin around in my seat to see JJ doing the same thing, but he had his hoodie pulled up and his head down. I knew I shouldn't, but I felt bad for him. Everyone is going to be seen today, but JJ is going to be the center of attention.

Everything is a blur as the bus stops and we are rushed into the stadium as fans scream our names. I even heard some insults being shot at some of the players whilst they made their way into their appropriate room. This entire match is a little sadistic if I think about it for too long..

The Sidemen FC finally find their way into their own dressing room and we all stared in awe at our new uniforms. A black jersey with white trimming, 'pcspecialists' printed across the front. I flip my jersey over to see the back of mine that reads in big letters 'Minter, 7'. It may be basic, but it brings a smile to my face when I see the back of the jersey. Not only do we have new uniforms, but we have boots with our names embroidered into the sides. They are very nice, but nothing can top the happiness I get from seeing my jersey. It just shows that all of your hard work payed off for this moment.

All of my happiness is cut off when I feel a firm grip on my wrist, and my body get yanked into the chest of another.

"Come with me." He whispers in an angry tone and continues to drag me away from my jersey. Josh. I quickly jerk my hand away when I realize who it is and mumble a low 'no.' He looks around to see all of the other boys with their backs faced towards us before grabbing my arm again, only this time tighter, and forcing me to follow him out of the room. I push him out of fear and try to free myself from his grasp one more time. I luckily get out of his grip, and run over to the other boys who are having a conversation about their channels. I look over and see Josh staring at me with rage, then proceeding to come over to the group and join in on conversation. I may be ready for the match, but nothing can prepare me for the night ahead of me. They better be ready..

because I'm drinking on my behalf and JJ's..



As I inspect my jersey with pride, while the other boys start conversation around me. It is surreal that I was able to go through this much change in a few months, it is almost as if it was meant to happen...

I sigh and sit down on the bench surrounding the boys, getting a lower standpoint between them. I am not up for conversation, so I just sit around them and listen to the tactics they have in mind. Shouldn't Simon be over here, he is the captain after all? I look around the changing room until I find Simon's lanky figure. It looks like he is speaking to Josh, probably about the set up of the match. Josh takes a minute to look around before he grabs Simon.. hard. Just seeing Josh treat him that way makes my blood boil. I almost stand up before I see Si push him away and run over to the rest of the group. Josh joins also but not before whispering into Simon's ear and patting his back. I assume that they were just having friendly banter before I notice Si rubbing his, not visibly bruised, arm. I want to do something until I hear the manager inform us that the match will be begin in thirty minutes.

I can't make a scene now, the entire charity match will be ruined. Besides, I remember what Nick told me; Simon is not in the right mind set.. Calling him out right now would only break his mind set even more..

At that moment, I mentally make a vow to protect Simon at the after party tonight..

because something isn't right...



I curse under my breath as Simon breaks away from my grip and scatters into the crowd of Youtubers. I keep my composure and make my way up to the crowd. I gradually start to add on to conversation, but not until whispering to Simon what I would've told him a lot louder outside of the locker rooms.

"Don't tell him anything, and no one gets hurt.."


Sorry if this is late I went to a renaissance fest and I have summer reading to deal with.. -Oli

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