Chapter 6 - Wake to Reality

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Hey, sorry this chapter is so short, but I figured that the cliffhangar ending is appropriate. :) I will update a new chapter at least once a week from now on, I have it written down on paper and it takes forever to type up on microsoft word and then paste it on here. I will usually update on Wednesday or Thursday, so don't forget to look for the next chapter!! :)                                                      xoxo  - Brielle


“Violet! Violet!” I could barely hear a male voice calling my name through the ringing in my ears. “What happened?” I thought, groggily, before it all came rushing back to me. The dance. Venen. All of it came rushing back to me like a punch in the gut and I almost wanted to faint again. But I jumped awake, startled.

My head didn’t like that very much, I didn’t know how long I had been asleep, but when I jerked into a sitting position, my muscles protested. My head was pounding ferociously, almost as hard and fast as my heart. I looked over to see that it wasn’t Venen but Alex who had been calling my name. Tears leaked down his face and I noticed that he was holding a random punch cup until he saw me and his face lit up. I slowly started to let my muscles relax before uncertainty shot through me. I didn’t trust Alex, not after what Venen had done, I didn’t know what part Alex had played in all of this.

Alex looked shocked and very relieved to see me awake, but my stomach was still hurting and my head was pounding. I was going to just ignore my aching body and yell at Alex until he told me what was going on, when he kissed me. Really kissed me.

I was stunned into speechlessness for a few moments, but when it was over, I felt a tidal wave of emotions that I didn’t bother to sort out. “what…” I began, but I hadn’t completely regained control of my voice until I yelled, “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING? WHAT IS GOING ON AND WHY WAS VENEN DEMANDING AN ELIXIR THAT I DON’T HAVE AND HE WAS SAYING YOU GAVE TO ME!!! I DON’T HAVE ANY ELIXIR!” All of my emotions suddenly turned into one thing, anger, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Alex’s look of shock.

But then Alex just smiled. “Calm down Violet, and I’ll explain everything.” Alex said, with a smile pecking at his lips. But for some reason, in my anger, I didn’t want to listen and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

I fled, (well more like stormed) out of the room and was just about to go back to the dance when Daisy and Dianna came down the hall. “What Happened? You look horrible!” Dianna gasped, taking in my messed up hair and face. Then she looked past my head where I was sure Alex had just come out of the room. Dianna’s face portrayed exactly what I would have, my messed up hair and coming out of a room with a boy. I could tell that she was trying to form an appropriate reaction to what she thought had happened, her face formed into different emotions, anger, happiness, surprise, but I was too shaken up by what had happened to really care.

Daisy didn’t notice a thing; her innocence let her down sometimes, because she was slow at realizing things. “Where have you been? Your mom is here and the dance is already over! We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Daisy exclaimed, her hands flying into the air in exasperation.

“What happened Violet?” Her face had formed into disbelief, curiosity and worry seeped into her voice. My heart quickened, I didn’t want them to know about Venen, and it became all too much to handle so fast. I darted past Dianna and into the now empty cafeteria, where there were still banners and lights up from the dance.

I saw my mom’s car through the side window of the cafeteria, and was just about to go outside when I saw something that I would never forget.

Venen was holding a knife to Katie’s throat.

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