Chapter 3 | Sin

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an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.
commit a sin.


(Fluff/Smut in this chapter. If you are uncomfortable with it, skip over it.)
[I recommend listening to:
Atlas: Son - Sleeping At Last
wRoNg - Zayn, Kehlani
Suffer - Charlie Puth
This is for added effect but is not needed].


Levi nodded his head, mop of ebony following in suit as he felt his heart flutter at your little shows of affection towards him.

"Sweetheart?" You called out, looking to the male. He nodded his head in response, afraid of how his words would betray him.
"I'm taking off your pants."

He had no time to react before the black sweatpants were ripped away from his legs, broadcasting the same scars that were loitered at the tops of his thighs.

You brought your lips down and pecked each leg before rising up and heading to your bathroom, returning moments later with a roll of gauze in your hands. Hopping back onto your bed, you began to wrap up his wounds, protecting him from infections before you laid down in the center of the bed, confusing Levi.

Parting your legs, you patted at the empty space between them as Levi began to comply, not forgetting to strip you of your sleeping shorts before he laid atop you, his arms wrapping gently around your waist as to not irritate the self-inflicted lines etched into his skin.

Burying his head atop your (size) chest, the two of you just laid there, not knowing what to do next.

"Levi... Please, I'm here for you. I love you too much to see you do this to yourself. Whatever you need, I'll be more than willing to do it." You voiced gently, beginning to run your fingers through his ebony tresses that were still neatly cut into a military style.

"T-Thank you... (F/n)." He panted out lightly as you soothed him into a calmer state of mind.

"You're welcome, Levi." You sighed out to the shorter male, enjoying how cuddly he was, even though it was after you had discovered those horrid lines. You had made a vow, as to never let him slice through his own skin again. For him to heal fully, and to never resort to cutting again.

"You're enough, okay? I need you to know that. Nothing bad will happen, and I'll always be here for you." You breathed out, letting yourself doze off as Levi had already fallen asleep.


Around three weeks had passed and Levi was slowly getting better, not cutting anymore, and looking for healthier outlets.

And one of them was you.

It seemed though as now, Levi craved your gentle touches and soft skin on his, even stopping himself while cleaning to wrap his arms around you and longingly kiss your shoulder. He had been hinting at what he wanted for days, and you, being too shy, just brushed him off. That was until you went over your promise to him in your head.

"Levi... Please, I'm here for you. I love you too much to see you do this to yourself. Whatever you need, I'll be more than willing to do it."

If that's what he wanted, it's just what you were going to do.

It was pretty early into the night and you had just finished work at your restaurant as head of the waiting staff, walking home down the streets of (city). The scuffing of shoes echoed on the pavement as you took a sharp turn right, and into your building. You waved a sweet 'hello' to the front desk secretary, John, and walked to the elevator, too lazy to climb up ten flights of stairs just to get home. Sticking your golden key into the door, you opened up your apartment.

Be Okay - Self Harm Levi x Reader (Modern AU) [Short Story]Where stories live. Discover now