Chapter 1 | Stranger

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a person whom one does not know or with whom one is not familiar.


Honestly just skip to the sex part, Chapter's called "sin"

It was boring, everyday was just the same. Going over the motions and never really experiencing any of it. You wished on the daily, for something interesting to happen, for someone to make way into your life and need your help, to help you too.

But you weren't expecting this.

Your day started off as it normally did, seeing as it was the beginning of your second week with no classes. At the ripe age of 18, you had bought your own apartment and finished your last year of high school through a computer screen. You loved it, the feeling of freedom as you walked around your tiny apartment, everything cleaned correctly. The sights were beautiful outside of your large windows as well. But now everything was just a bore.

Currently you sat in your kitchen, aimlessly eating a bowl of oatmeal at your countertop. It was quite early in the morning and you had just changed into an oversized grey tee shirt with a pair of black loose shorts underneath, and some black socks also worn on your feet. Once again, the plea for something better swarmed your mind as you set the now empty bowl in the sink, cleaning it up before placing it back into your dishware cabinet.

Suddenly, a loud crash resonated from your small bedroom, causing you to sprint over to see what was wrong. Flinging open your bedroom door, you were met with the sight of what appeared to be a man sprawled out uncomfortably, half on and off of your platform bed and floor. A stack of your textbooks were toppled over his body as he laid insensibly.

Quickly picking up your overly-expensive resources, you checked the man for any weapons before taking in his clothing and features. He had hair as dark as the night in a military style cut with narrow eyes. Fine brows framed his face and his lips were also thin with a sharp jawline and paled features to finish his look. He wore what seemed to be a uniform of some sort with a white undershirt, white pants, a tan long sleeved cropped jacket, knee high brown boots with multiple belts wrapped around his limbs and torso that matched with the leather worn on his hips.

Furrowing your brows in confusion, you scanned your room for any signs of forced entry and eventually wound up with nothing.

'How the hell did he get into here?' You mentally cursed, unable to draw any confirmable conclusions with enough evidence to prove correct.
'What do I do? Call the police? But with no signs of forced entry it'll look like I kidnapped him... Hide the body? No, too risky in a city like this. Do I keep him? Like, as a roommate or something? I guess. But what if he's a pedophile or something. He looks so young though. What if he's... a rapist? Hell naw he's out. Bye. Nope-nopety-nope-nope. Neve-'

The stranger shifted and let out a pained groan, shut eyes wincing as he moved.

'AHA NOPE BYE I'M OUTTA HERE BYE BITCHES!' You shuffled back hurriedly near your opened door, psyc. textbook clutched tightly in your (s/c) hands.

The (surprisingly handsome) man slowly shifted up and brought one of his palms to his forehead, moaning out in discomfort as he slowly opened his narrow eyes. It was troublesome, watching from the reflection of your large bedroom window to see what was to happen next. His grey(?) eyes shifted over to the city view and let out a nearly silent gasp before snapping his head in various directions around your room.

Suddenly, his confused steely-grey(confirmed) optics landed on your shaking form as he shot up into a combat position, ready to fight.

'FUCK I NEVER THOUGHT HE'D BE A MURDERER, SHIT!' You panicked, palms quickly growing sweaty as you trembled in fear.

"Who the hell are you?" He demanded, voice deep and emotionless as he glared daggers into your soul.

"Ah! I-I'm (F/n) (L/n) and y-you're in my house." You explained, quaking out of horror for what was to come.

"Your... house?" He questioned, loosening up a bit on his superior stance.

"W-Well, it's more of an apartment that I live in, but yeah. Who are y-you? A-And how did you get in here?" You shot back with much less venom, slowly lowering the heavy book down.

"I am Levi Ackerman, and I for one have no idea on how I ended up here... in your 'apart-met'." He voiced back, somehow sounding cute on his little mess up with the last word he spoke.


Around three hours had passed and you and Levi had sorted some things out, along with drafting a list of new rules.

The male would from now on be living with you, but never wanted to leave your apartment. He would stay at home all of the time and help around your apartment while you worked and provided other things. Levi was highly offended that you were going to treat him like a 'house-wife' but didn't mind when you mentioned all of the cons of as to what would happen.

The rules were, and I follow:

• Both would clean, most work goes to Levi
• (F/n) would work to provide
• Levi would have to wear modern day clothing
• Levi isn't allowed to touch any modern day devices/technology that he doesn't know about yet
• Both would have to share the queen bed without any complaints.

The last one was the toughest, seeing as you wanted your own bed and Levi didn't want to be rejected to a couch (even though it was really comfortable). So you both stubbornly gave in and decided to share.

"Tch, I still don't understand why your shelves are so damn high up." Levi complained, having to raise up onto his 'tippy-toes' as he reached up for the blue colored windex to wipe down the counters after your breakfast as you washed the dishes.

"Well, I am at least three inches taller than you, soooo... makes sense to me." You smiled out, scrubbing the last bowl from the oatmeal that began to cement itself to the glass. Even though you had only known this man for three hours, it seemed like you were old friends of some sort. The two of you had talked about your lives and feelings for a bit before you explained how different everything is from his world.

"Tch, nevermind." He sighed out, spraying down the marble counter before rubbing it clean with a rag.

"Ah, I need to ask my neighbor if her son has some extra clothes so you can change into them. That uniform of yours must be a bit uncomfortable." You voiced, drying off the dishware before you put them all away.

"I'm fine. But if you do... get long sleeves and pants." He grumbled out, viciously scrubbing away at the marble.

"A-Ah, okay. But it's gonna get hotter..." You trailed off, walking towards your room to clean it up a bit.

"No objections. I want my arms and legs covered." He spoke, narrowed eyes turning to give you a dulled glare.

"Alright. Got it." You muttered out before giving the male a soft wave as you entered your bedroom to straighten it up a tad.

'He has no meat on his bones and gets extremely cold- yeah no, he's ten times stronger than I'll ever be...' You pondered, fixing the white sheets on your bed as you multitasked.
'He needs to be protected so he's using clothes for that... Yeah, probably a no too. Maybe he cuts? From what he's explained of his Titan-roaming world and how he's lost his comrades, he could honestly take it out on his wrists, thighs, and ankles to cope with stress...'

You glanced down quickly to your right ankle, still able to see the pink lines of stress that you had made into your own skin and thought if all of Levi's body was covered in them, and not just company scars. Pushing the thought away, you decided to confront him later when the two of you were more trusting of each other.

Hopefully, Levi was okay.

Be Okay - Self Harm Levi x Reader (Modern AU) [Short Story]Where stories live. Discover now