Chapter 35: Heart Open

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"You're right. Errol talks a lot,"

In response, Pelham merely gave April a brief raise of his eyebrows as if to say I told you so before taking a bite of his waffle.

It was a leaden Wednesday afternoon in the beginning of May, just after school hours. So far, there hadn't been much progress with Pelham's mother and Roshon. And Pelham was forced to conclude that he had become non-existent to either of the two. Fortunately for him, he had a relatively fundamental thing to focus on now that it was May; his 'AS' Levels.

Perhaps he could use the exams as his main distraction from these conflicts raging in his head. Forget Mum, he thought. Forget Roshon. Forget what April said about Lucio. Forget. Forget. Forget. Though, he wasn't certain whether he could concentrate that much.

Pelham had been reluctant at first when April asked whether he could join her at the food parlour right after school, saying that he had revisions to do. When April noted that he was not the only one with a big exam coming up - adding to him the fact that he had already revised months and months previously, and that he was an erudite student (not that he fully believed it) - Pelham acquiesced. After all, both of them were sixth-form students.

"What did he talk about?" Pelham asked flippantly.

Truth was, Pelham was afraid that Errol was going to engage in yet another conversation with him. Not that the boy ticked him off, or that he talked way too much than any average human being normally did. There was simply something alluring about him - especially his imposing features and lively persona - that was beguiling, yet scaring Pelham. As far as he was concerned, Errol had yet to flirt with him.

It wasn't something he normally received from other boys.

"Stuff, stuff, stuff," April said, waving her hand in the air dismissively.

"What kind of stuff?"



"And carrots,"

"Cows eating carrots?"

"Don't be daft. Cows don't eat carrots," she said reproachfully. Then she paused. "They don't, do they?"

"Maybe his cows eat carrots,"

"He didn't mention ever owning a cow,"

"Maybe he secretly has his own farm full of cows," Pelham offered. "And they all eat carrots."

"Whose cows eat whose carrots?" came a voice beside them, startling both Pelham and April.

Errol stood with a plate of sandwich in one hand and a glass of chocolate milkshake in the other, eyeing both of them sceptically. Pelham ducked his head, while April went red in the face.

"Hello, Percy," Errol smiled at Pelham with his lips closed as he laid down April's orders in front of her.

Of course, April just had to guffaw, receiving a few bothered glances from the other customers.

"Something on my face?" Errol proceeded to ask.

"I didn't know owls could talk to their masters,"

"Excuse me?" Pelham sat forward, adequately affronted. Though his heart itched to laugh.

"I suppose this is another one of your Harry Potter references?" Errol asked. "Hey, at least answer one of my questions."

"Yes," April finally said.

"I asked three questions,"

"Yes, it's a Harry Potter reference, Errol," April answered, sobering up. "Anyway, his name is Pelham."

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