one hundred three

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"Avery Joseph Hansen what were you thinking?! Darla tells me you went in by yourself! You have a partner for a reason!" She yelled. He simply nodded "Avery what if we lost you tonight? You can't just think about yourself, you have a family that loves you," she said before sitting on the other side of the bed.

"I'm sorry mom," Avery said before kissing her forehead. "Well at least you're okay," she said, grabbing his other hand. "Hey sweetheart I haven't seen you in forever," Sarah said, hugging me from across the bed.

"Karson what have you been eating you've grown a whole foot since the last time I saw you!" Avery said, we all laughed. "I see you're still making stupid decisions," Kass said "I see you still haven't cut your hair Scarlett Johansson," Avery countered, everyone laughed again.

"Do you guys need me to pick up some clothes?" Sarah asked "yes I want her out of this tight dress," Avery butted in, I rolled my eyes. "Sure, I guess we'll be here for a few days," I told her before handing her my keys.

"Can Myra go with you? She'll be waking up and getting over her hangover soon, you can just put her in our guest room," I told her.

It left me, Kass, and the Hansen boys. I sat there texting my mom as they all talked about dude stuff.

A: hey sweetheart what's up?

K: I'm just sitting at the hospital with Avery

A: what happened?

K: he was being stupid at work and got shot

A: why didn't you call us?

K: I don't know I didn't think it was necessary

A: he's our son now too Khadi

K: okay Im sorry, we're at Burbank medical if you wanna come visit

A: okay we'll come in the morning

"who's that?" Avery asked "my mom, she's mad I didn't call her," I answered. Sarah finally came back with two bags of clothes, I changed into sweats. As the time passed everyone around us started to fall asleep.

"Avery get some sleep, I'll be here when you wake up," I told him. "I'm not tired," he countered "plus I want to talk to you, I've missed you these two days," he said.

I sheepishly smiled "where's your ring?" I asked, grabbing his other hand. "I think they took it off before I went into surgery," he answered.

"Can I see?" I asked, referring to his hospital gown. He nodded, I slowly pulled open the plastic gown, revealing his bruised chest.

There was a bandage covering his bullet wound. I fought to contain my tears "Khadi it's not as bad as it looks I promise," he assured me. "You can't ever do anything like this again Avery. This is me being selfish, you're mine, my husband, you're supposed to be with me forever. You can't do that if you're dead," I said.

"Okay baby I won't," he assured me. "You must be tired," he stated "nope," I lied "you're doing the thing where you fold your eyebrows and your eyes are getting heavy," he pointed out.

"Fine I haven't gotten any sleep I've been stressed," I admitted "come here," he said softly. He slowly moved over in his bed and patted the space next to him.

"It's okay I can sleep in one of the chairs," I told him "no I have so much space in this bed plus I've missed sleeping with you," he said.

I pulled off my shoes before crawling into the bed, I softly laid my head on his bruised chest. "Is this okay? Are you in pain?" I asked "no it's perfect," he answered as he gently stroked my hair with his fingers.

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