seventy two

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"So Kass is dragging me to Riley's party, wanna come?" I asked Khadi. "No I promised I would stay home and hang with my mom while dad has to work late," she answered.

"Please don't get drunk or do anything you'll regret," she said "I won't, I promise," I told her. "Okay I'm gonna head home and get ready, are you sure you don't wanna come?" I asked again, she nodded.

"Okay bye baby I love you," I said, kissing her "I love you more," she said as I stood up.


Next morning

God what is wrong with me? I actually had sex with Riley. I did it for the fun of it, I don't even find her attractive. Last thing I remember is getting dragged into her room.

It's my fault. I can't even imagine telling Khadi. "Riley you can't say anything about this to my girlfriend," I said as I put my shirt over my head.

She chuckled as if she was ready to lecture me about my mistakes. "It's not my fault you cheated Avery. It's not my fault you want me and not her," she said flipping her hair.

"Let's get this straight Riley, I'm not attracted to you whatsoever, I don't ever see myself being with you in my entire life span. Now Khadi, I love her, I love her so much which brings me back to why you cant say anything," I pleaded.

"Why should I? I dont like her so why should I spare her the pain?" She said "Riley you're just jealous of her," I said annoyed.

"Yea Avery, I guess I am. Everyone likes her, she's the captain of every freakin sports she plays, she has friends that enjoy her, she has a nice boyfriend that loves her," she listed.

"Riley just be nice to people it's not hard. Please just keep this quiet I'll give you whatever you want," I begged.

"You claim you love her but you don't wanna tell her," she said "because it was a stupid mistake and I know it'll hurt her too much and I don't wanna do that to her," I explained.

"You knew it would hurt her yet you did it anyway. You really don't deserve her Avery wow. You know what, I want you. Go out with me," she said.

I furrowed my eyebrows "what? What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, confused. "You tell her you want to be with me and become my boyfriend, it's simple," she said.

"What? That's ridiculous and even worse!" I said as I put on my shoes. "Would you rather tell her and break her heart forever or just cut the whole thing off and she'll never find out?" She asked.

"I need to get to school," I said before leaving her room. I hopped into my car "fuck fuck fuck!" I yelled before driving off.

Why Avery? What the fuck is wrong with you? You chose you girl you don't even care about against a beautiful, lovable girl who would do anything for you?

I parked in my spot and got out of my car. "Hey Avery," people said as I walked into school, I waved before I ran upstairs to find Khadi at her locker.

She closed her locker before looking at me "hey babe I was looking for you last night, I made your favorite, snickerdoodles and I wanted to bring you some b-" she said before I cut her off.

"We need to break up," I said sternly, she furrowed her eyebrows "why Avery?....I thought you were happy with me," she could barely say. Oh God please don't cry. I am happy with you.

"I'm interested in Riley I'm sorry," I lied "Avery I thought you hated you've liked her this whole time?" She asked. I nodded.

"Please Avery I don't know what I did wrong. I'll be a better girlfriend just please don't...please," she said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

But you are the best girlfriend, you didn't do anything wrong I did. "You did everything wrong," I said coldly before turning and walking away. I refused to turn around to see her reaction.

Once I was around the corner I punched the nearest locker.


I ran into the nearest bathroom and into a stall before bursting into tears. What did I do wrong? I loved him and I showed him that everyday yet he didn't think it was enough. He chose a girl he openly hated with a passion over me.

"Khadi, open up what's wrong?" Myra said from outside the stall door. I pushed it open before she stepped in. She locked the door before sitting next to me.

"What's wrong sissy?" She asked, wrapping her arms around me "Avery just broke up with me and said he was interested in Riley," I explained.

"That hoe. You know what, you're Khadi motherfucking White and any guy would be lucky to have you. Forget about Avery and let's focus on spring prom next week," she said.

"I love him though Myra. I'm in love with him...and also we were gonna color code for spring prom," I cried more.

"You know what, me and you are gonna color code to prom, I'll ditch Kass," she said "really?" I asked. "yes I would, for you," she said, I hugged her. "I love you so much," I whispered "I love you too sissy," she said back "now let's wipe your eyes and go to class," she said, pulling me up.

I cleaned my face, taking the mascara, foundation, and everything else with it. We left the bathroom, Kameron stood outside waiting for us, he hugged me. "I'm gonna kill him," he growled.

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