Chapter 2

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Heyes lead the bay into the barn and stripped her of the gear, then he gave her a ransom of oats before turning her in for the night.

Some distant away an owl howled, predicting the night to come, and Heyes looked up in the darkened sky as he walked back to the boardinghouse. Just above the horizon he saw the hint of a half moon and some of the stars to show that night.

When he walked through the door and into the kitchen, Curry greeted him with a glass of whiskey.

Heyes put his saddle bag down and accepted the glass contently.

As they took their seats at the table, Curry glanced at him with his clearblue eyes.

"Tell me all about it, " he said with curiosity, "What's San Francisco like today? "

As the Kid had not been in San Francisco in almost five years he was curious to know.

Heyes leaned back in his chair and tilted his hat at his partner.

"Nahh, you would not like it at all. Too many fancy women...not the kind you like."

Curry sat up straight, noting the snide stare from Heyes.

"What ya mean..not the kind I like ? I like all kinds."

Heyes grinned slyly from ear to ear.

"I know, Kid," then he got all serious.

" better be tellin' me all about what your thinkin' right now, cause it looks pretty serious to me.  Heyes !" Curry told him flatly, "Heyes !"

"Yeah..." he answered shortly, as he was far away in thoughts,"What is it ?"

"Tell me " he glared at Heyes, then it hit him " Aww, noo. Not Chyenne again ? Heyes ! You have to forget about her, this is not good for you."

"Don't you think I know that ? " Heyes hissed and threw his arms out, "This is driving me crazy..."

Curry smiled smugly at him and took a gulp of the whiskey.

"Naww, you can't become what you already are " he said teasingly.

Heyes leaned his elbows on the table and gave Kid a loopsided grin.

"You son of a ... " he hissed with a chuckle as his eyes glowed, Kid had a nasty habit of getting under his skin sometimes .

"Ah ah ah " Curry cut in, "leave my mother out of this will ya'." He was enjoying this. The smug grin he displayed showed the amount of malice he felt right now.

"You just can't help it, can you, huh ? " Heyes muttered, but the hint of a dimple revealed him, "okay, so I'm crazy. Satisfied ?"

"Very much so " Curry said and smiled.

Then Heyes stood up fast and shoved the chair back in under the table.

"Good. Now let's drop it ."

He had completely forgot about the whiskey in front of him as Kid had been bantering him, so he now reached down and grabbed the glass. He raised his wrist at Kid and took a mouth full, gulping it down.

"I thought you wanted to know about San Francisco ? " he then said putting the glass down on the table.

Curry looked at his friend as he also stood up, he too took a large swig from his glass, feeling the velvet liquid down his throat.

"Truthfully, a town is just a town. But ladies are something else, and that topic wins if compared " he said grinning, as he realized he had actually referred to Chyenne as a lady, and then he followed Heyes into the other room.

A nightmare from the past  (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now