Chapter 3; Him

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Maya!" Riley screamed, as she saw her best friend Maya across the hallway.

Even if Riley hasn't told her anything yet, looking at the expression on her face, she knew that she had a whole lot to tell.

It was a normal lunch period at Abigail Addams, once again. Farkle spent the time obnoxiously thinking about Riley while hanging out with Smackle and Zay.

"So, let me tell you," Riley put her lunch tray on the table, "Farkle Minkus was shouting my name yesterday!"

"I know I don't look excited for you, and I know I sound sarcastic all the time," Maya munched on her food, "but my lunch tastes really good right now. I'm internally screaming for you, though."

"I'm internally screaming for me too," Riley screamed.

"Why'd he say your name though?"

"I have no idea. But still, I just FDNDSMSMSMJK!"

"I didn't even know it was humanly possible to say that," Maya replied. "When did it happen?"

"It happened like a flash," she cried, "I was walking to the exit and I heard him shouting my name. I'm so happy right now I'm gonna explode."


"Mission #2: Strike a conversationn," Zay slowly whispered into Farkle's ear, as he stared at Riley from the third floor.

"No," he groaned.

"Yes," Zay replied.

"She heard me scream out her name. I'm already done and I haven't even  started."

Smackle appeared out of nowhere, and slapped him in the face.

"We're all going to die Minkus. It's now or never," she said, as she and Zay hurried him down the stairs.

The three reached the first floor and pushed him towards Riley and Maya's direction.

"Riley, hush, he's right there," Maya gritted through her teeth, holding Riley's wrist.

Before Riley got to turn around, Farkle somehow ended up stumbling and scraped his knee against the hard rock ground, which cause his jeans to rip.

"Riley," Maya whispered, tugging at her sweater.

Riley turned around, only to see the love of her life crouching on the ground, with a painful look on his face.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" she cried, rushing next to him as she tried to help.

"I-it hurts," Farkle blushed.

He didn't know why he was blushing.

Maybe it was over the fact that a little scrape to the knee hurt him so much, or maybe it was the fact that Riley Matthews, the girl he's secretly liked all this time, was right in front of him.

"This is a perfect chance for the band aid pick up line I've told you a week ago," Zay not-so silently whispered to him from the distance.

"O-oh yeah" Farkle shrugged, scratching the back of his neck,"do you happen to have a band aid?"

Riley shook her head, as she examined Farkle's bruised knee. "No, why?"

"Because I scraped my knee falling for you."

Riley's cheeks immediately blushed to a mellow rose pink, and to Farkle, it was the most adorable thing he's ever seen.

"Just kidding," Farkle nervously laughed, immediately destroying the romantic atmosphere.

"This is why no one likes you," Zay whispered in the thin air.

Riley helped Farkle get up, and walked him to the nurse's office.

Maya, Zay, and Smackle, stared in awe as they saw their own friend finally have some sort of development with their crush.

"They definitely like each other, don't they?" the three said in unison, as they wiped their tears of joy away.

"I feel like a proud mother," Maya smiled, clutching her chest.


"Next time, be careful," the nurse sighed, as she wrapped Farkle's scar around with bandage.

"Thank you," Farkle stood up, looking at Riley, who waited for him in the hallway.

He walked out of the clinic with a small limp on his leg, but nothing serious.

"Thanks," Farkle smiled, looking at the brunette next to him.

"No problem," she shrugged, trying her best not to say something embarrassing.

"A-and, if you don't mind, would you like to hang out soon as a sign of my thanks?" Farkle managed to stutter out.

Riley couldn't help but squeal inside. "Sure," she said.

A silence ensued as they both approached the end of the hallway, but deep inside, their hearts were thumping louder than they've ever known.

"Mission 2, complete," Farkle warmly smiled to himself. He just couldn't help it.

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