Chapter 1; Your Name

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Girl Meets World S309 Part Two - Ski Lodge

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Girl Meets World S309 Part Two - Ski Lodge


The peaceful trees rustled as he quietly almost choked himself to death on a small ham and cheese sandwich.

It was a perfectly normal lunch break, to say the least.

Except for the fact that Farkle Minkus was staring at the pretty brunette with a goofy smile from the 3rd floor of the school building using a pair of binoculars, but it happened so much that it would be considered 'normal.'

Her smile, her awkward laugh, and her cute posture made him fall for her. She didn't know, but she made him happy.

"Farkle!" Smackle screamed from his back, harshly kicking him in the bum.

"What the hell!" he turned around, shooting a death glare at her.

"If you keep on staring at her, it won't be long until she'll turn into stone. You look like Medusa," she laughed, pointing at his hair.

"Don't interrupt me while staring at my goddess!" Farkle objected, unconsciouly touching his hair. "There's Farkle time during history. Her time is during lunch."

"Dude, did you just call her a goddess?" Zay asked, putting his arm over him.

"Shut up," Farkle blushed, as he continued to stare at her.

"What are we gonna do with this creep? He's going crazy," Zay told Smackle.

"Crazy in love," she chuckled.

"Why haven't you asked her out yet? " Zay mentioned, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

If he recalled correctly, it's been almost a year when Farkle started his unhealthy lunchtime stalking habit.

"Confessions are only for wimps," he replied, a grim look on his face.

"No, people who bottle their feelings inside and wait for them to explode like a volcano are the real wimps," Smackle argued.

"You keep on complaining on how much you like her but she doesn't like you back, yet you don't even try to make a move on her," she rambled on, her hands going up to the air.

"So shut up and try!" Zay exclaimed.

"Farkle, it's senior year. And as your friend, I don't want you to graduate without any regrets," she smiled.

"Yeah, you should at least try. What else do you know about her beside her face?" Zay asked.

"Actuall-" Farkle tried to respond, yet truly inside, he knew nothing about her.

"Do you know her name?"

"I do. It's Ra-, no it's um, Rowa-?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Smackle cussed.

"I wish I was," he huffed, looking at his shoes.

"This is a great place to start, right?" Zay added, "Mission #1: finally find out her name."

"I hate you guys," Farkle joked.

"And we hate you too," they both smiled.


"So, any ideas on how we're going to find out her name?" Farkle said, looking at his two fellow friends as they all hid behind a bush, near where Farkle's crush and her friend sat for lunch.

"Maybe her blonde friend might mention her name or something," Zay whispered.

"Quick, they're coming!" Smackle nudged.

The two girls sat on the bench and opened their backpacks, grabbing both of their lunches.

"Mr. Matthews hates me," the blonde groaned, looking at her food dejectedly.

"He does not," his crush said. "I know my dad. He doesn't hate you, he just gives you a hard time so you can do better!"

"Did ya hear that? Mr. Matthews is her father!" Zay mentioned.

Farkle felt shivers in his spine. "The Mr. Matthews?"

"Yes, that Mr. Matthews," Smackle rolled her eyes.

The thing was, Farkle was one of Mr. Matthews' favorite students. Sometimes, he even called him the 'son he never had', and would give him personal advice about life.

And it just so happened that the day before, Mr. Matthews gave him girl advice, unknowingly about his own daughter.

"As much as how he appreciates me as a student," Farkle cried, "he's gonna kill me when he finds out my dream girl is his daughter."

"I mean, at least you could sneakily ask him her name, if that helps you feel better?" Zay suggested, a questioning tone in his voice.

"I guess," he muttered, trying to listen to the girls' conversation.

"Hey Maya, can we eat somewhere else? I feel like we're being watched," his crush said.

"What the f-," Smackle sweared.

"No swearing!" Farkle aggressively whispered, covering her mouth.

The three watched as the two girls walked away from the bench. As soon as they left the scene, they all stood up in relief.

"I want to die," Farkle cried, kicking a pebble away.

"Life kills you, Minkus," Smackle replied, "which is why you have to live without any regrets, right?"



A/N: My first Riarkle book and I'm tearing up!! The writers never revealed to us on whether Riarkle was going to be a thing or not in the future seasons, but deep down, in my heart, Riarkle is and has always been endgame. That concludes chapter 1, fellas.

A Picture of Me Crying About Riarkle, Circa 2017

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A Picture of Me Crying About Riarkle, Circa 2017

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