Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen-Life from here on

People accepted them. Fans across the globe welcomed Melanie and Josh's relationship with open arms and loved them as the newest celebrity couple. There was fan pages all over facebook called 'We love Mosh' and 'Jelaine all the way!' Edits were made of them all over the internet. Some appropriate emotive ones, others . . . a bit less appropriate using Josh photos from Paradise Lost and 7 days to Havana and snaps of Melanie people took of her on the beach in her bikini.

"Crazy tumbler users," Melanie muttered as she gazed at the photo on someone's tumblr wall that had been edited on some fancy computer editor to look like Josh had her pressed up against some wall in a dark room. "How do you do this? Seriously?! Some of this stuff is messed up!"

"I don't concentrate on the photo," Josh replied, glancing up from his script to gaze at her. "I concentrate on the comments."

"What? This? 'Oh so sexy'? and 'I wish I was her right then'?" Melanie frowned. Josh rolled his eyes and took her computer, scrolling down through the comments.

"You have to search for the right one," he explained. "Look, here's one: 'I think Josh and Melanie's relationship is so real and genuine. They show us that age is but a number and love will always rein over all. I will always support them and will never ever think Josh is as perfect with anyone else but her.'"

"Someone actually wrote that?" Melanie asked.

"Yeah. On the 'Hutchercurran for the win' page," Josh said, showing her.

"Wow," Melanie said.

"They believe in us Mel. Even if your parents don't."

Melaine's parents did not approve of her relationship with Josh but she recently turned eighteen and there was nothing they could about it anymore. She stayed in America with Josh, vowing to never returned to Ireland for as long as she lived. Her sister went back but still comes to visit her occasionally. She barely sees her parents.

Josh and Melanie lived a full and happy life together. Their relationship began taking a turn into the more intimate sector when Melanie turned twenty one and came home from her birthday party drunk out of her skull. It was a price worth paying to have to wait that little bit longer to be allowed to drink in the USA but as soon as she was the legal age she managed to get herself sloshed on her first night drinking.

She's come home drunk and stumbled into bed. Unable to sleep, she whacked Josh on the shoulder to wake up and when he did she leaped on impulse and began kissing his brains out. It escalated from there . . .

And Melanie got pregnant.

"I'm a whale!" Melanie moaned as she lay on the sofa. It was a week before the baby was due and her constant groaning was driving Josh to the brink of insanity. "I'm too warm! My feet hurt!"

"And so does my head," Josh muttered.

"Hey! You helped create this thing! It's your fault!" Melanie snapped. "Your swimmers were too fast!"

"Oh, so when you first found out you were pregnant it was all: 'Oh how wonderful! Our baby made together!' and now just because you've swollen up like a pimple it's my fault?!" Josh exclaimed.

"Yes!" Melanie insisted, rubbing her belly. "Stupid Hutcherson swimmers!" She pointed at Josh accusingly. "Bad swimmers!"

"Okay then," Josh said, crouching beside her on the sofa. "Let's see: Who came home drunk that night nine months ago?" He cupped his hand over his ear and Melanie glared at him.

"Me," she grumbled.

"That's right. And who kissed who?"

"I kissed you."

"Exactly. So this"-Josh put his hands on Melanie's bump-"Is just as much your fault than mine." Just as his hands came in contact with her swollen stomach, the baby kicked.

"Aargh!" Melanie exclaimed. "I swear, I think this thing likes you better than it likes me. It hasn't kicked once, not once for me and yet every time Papa puts his hands on it it decides to play football with my bladder!"

"I guess I just have the baby touch," Josh shrugged. He smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Love you," he mumbled into her hair.

"Love you too," Melanie replied.

And so, on the eve of Christmas, Rhiannon-Kallie Hutcherson was born.

They raised their daughter the same way they were raised: to believe in her dreams and accept everyone for who they are. Rhiannon-Kallie grew up to be an author and wrote a famous book series that became a world famous movie series.

Of course, her parents weren't alive to see it.

At the age of 63, Josh took a heart attack on a trip back to Ireland when Melanie and him were forced to return when their daughter was sent there for a movie premiere. He was taken into hospital but he knew he wasn't going to make it.

Melanie, knowing the end was near, stole a wheelchair and took him outside to feel the air outside before he died. She wheeled him through Belfast and down an alleyway to where an old candy machine still sat. The glass was foggy and the metal was rusted over but it was still there. Melanie stopped beside it and took a coin from her pocket. She cursed as she couldn't get it inside and the machine jammed. She shook the machine and kicked it weakly.

A hand covered hers and she looked at Josh with watery eyes. "There's a trick," he said softly, taking the clip from her grey hair and jimmying the machine. A sweet dropped out and Josh pressed it into her hand with a smile.

With that, his eyes slid shut and Melanie caught him as he fell forward. Tears slid down her eyes and she hugged him tightly to her as she sobbed. "I love you," she whispered hoarsely as she sat down on her backside and pulled Josh's body into her lap. She cradled him in her arms until she slowly slipped away as well.

That night, Melanie and Josh Hutcherson were found dead by an old Candy Machine in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The actor having died of a heart attack and his girlfriend died of something unknown.

The fans claim it was a broken heart.

Their daughter, Rhiannon-Kallie carried her parents' legacy with her and swore that she would never let them be forgotten.

"I shall never forget my parents and what they taught me," she said at the funeral. "To follow my dreams, live in my beliefs and that age is but a number." Rhiannon-Kallie paused, her gaze cast at the coffins before her. She looked up.

"And in life there is, and always shall be, a trick."

A fangirl's dream: A Josh Hutcherson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now