Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"Holy Crap!" Jennifer yelps, dropping to the ground as the football sails over her head. I slap my hands over my mouth in shock. I almost knocked Jennifer Lawerence out with a  football!"

"Sorry!" I exclaim. Josh picks the ball up and tosses it to Sam.

"Just leave the footballing to the guys," he says.

"Hey!" I snap. "That's soooo sexest!"

"But soooo true," Josh retorts. I take the ball out of Sam's hands and bounce it off his head. "Ow!"

"Stop being an idiot," I say. "It doesn't suit you."

"You know what doesn't suit you?" Josh asks. He points at my feet. "Uggs in the summer! What the hell is that?! It makes no sense!" I frown and look at my shoes.

"It's just . . . what I pulled on." I play keepy uppys with myself, kicking the ball up and down. "I could be a girl who likes to wear heels. Then were would you be? Everyone would be taller than you!"

"Ooooh you did not just go there," Josh says. I can see the smile in his eyes. He knows I'm messing with him.

"What ya gonna do about it?" I tease. Josh smirks and folds his arms.

"I'm going to tell your parents," he says. My mouth drops open in horror. "What? You tease the height, I tease the age."

"You're so dead!" I declare, kicking the ball at him. It hits him full whack on the face and he falls to the ground like a stone. "Oh my god!" Jen and Sam rush over to where I'm standing. Josh lies on his back, his hand covering his face and groaning. "Oh my god Josh I'm so sorry!" I exclaim. "I didn't mean to hit your face I'm so so sorry!"

Josh moves his hands from his face, to reveal a cheeky smirk. "That's all I need to hear," he says. I hit him hard.

"I thought I'd really hurt you!"

"Meh, I've had worse," he replies, putting his hands behind his head. "I do play a lot of sport remember."

"I know, I know," I grumble.

"Thought you would," he says.

"Get up you lump," Jennifer laughs, lightly kicking his leg and pulling him back up to his feet. "I wanna show you guys something!" We stare at her, wondering what she means. "There's this, like, expensive car sitting behind the director's trailer. I dunno, it's for some Capitol scene. It's so cool!"

We follow Jen around set to where she claims this car is located. Josh dribbles the ball as we go. "He dribbles the ball up the field, he stops at the goal, he shoots, he scores!" he says in a joke commentator voice. "And the crowd goes wild!"

"You look ridiculous," Sam says as Josh runs around the three of us, pretending to do a lap of victory. I laugh.

"There it is!" Jennifer declares, pointing at a vechile behind the director's trailer. It's a big red buggy-like car with black designs on it with matching leather seats. Sitting on the passenger seat is a white car saying: DO NOT TOUCH. So what does Josh do?

He climbs inside it.

"You're not allowed to touch it," I hiss, praying we don't get caught.

"Ahhh, come on Mel, live a little," he replies, flicking the card away and patting the seat next to him. Unable to resist, I clambour in and sit beside him. It's really comfortable, no wonder they don't want us touching it. Jennifer hops onto the hood while Sam picks up the ball and starts his own game of keepy uppys.

"I wonder why they'd make such a big deal out of a car," I wonder out loud, fingering the seam of the leather seats.

"Maybe it cost a lot of money," Sam says.

A fangirl's dream: A Josh Hutcherson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now