Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"Where are we going?" I ask as Josh hands me a helmet. He smiles knowingly and pats the back of the bike. Letting curiosity get the better of me, I hop on. As soon as I'm seated I nearly slip off the side and I yelp, grabbing onto Josh's waist and clinging to him.

"You alright there?" he asks, clearly amused.

"Yes, thank you, I'm fine," I reply indignantly, straightening my jacket. "Can we just get on." I adjust my helmet as Josh starts the motorcycle up. I'm suddenly aware of what a vulnerable position I'am in on the bike itself. I could easily fly off the back as soon as he gets going.

"You know you're going to have to hold onto me right?" Josh asks, looking back at me over his shoulder.

"Uh, yeah, sure I did," I reply, nervously re-wrapping my arms around him as the motorcycle revs up. "Are you sure this is safe?"

"Sure, I've done it loads of times!"

"With passengers?"

He doesn't reply. He just kicks back the stand holding the bike up and flies forward. My eyes squeeze shut on instinct and wind batters my face as we glide down the road. I'm pretty sure I'm screaming but I'm not sure. We're going so fast I'm not sure any noise could come out of my mouth anyway.

"Open your eyes!" Josh says.

"I can't!"

"Just do it!"

I force my eyes open and gasp as the world rushes past in a blurr. Everything seems weightless as we zoom past. Josh woops and I laugh, resting my head on his shoulder. Time doesn't seem to matter as we weave through traffic without a care in the world. When he finally stops the motorcycle I'm almost disappointed.

The feeling is soon forgotten though as he helps me off the bike and leads me to a picnic he has set up on Ballyhoran beach. I pull my helmet off and place a hand on my chest.

"You did this for me?" I ask, almost choking on my words.

"Well I'am leaving tomorrow," Josh replies, leading me over to the set up. "I didn't want to leave with any old goodbye." He sits me down on the blanket and unpacks an array of food from a wicker basket.

"You're such a romantic," I laugh, rolling my eyes when he lights a small scented candle.

"Why, Miss Melanie, I thought you'd already know that," Josh answers. I chuckle and take a bite out of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. When he takes out a packet of cashew nuts and drops them onto the blanket, I eye them warily and poke them away with my foot.

"None of those for me thanks," I say. "They can kill me."

"Really?" Josh asks, picking the packet up and frowning at it.

"Uh-huh. Just, you know, make them keep their distance."

Josh chucks them a couple of metres behind him and continues rummaging in the basket. I'm downing a bottle of water to get the peanut butter off the roof of my mouth when he produces the small yellow blanket from the bottom. I do a spit take and nearly choke.

"Is that yellow blankie?!" I exclaim.

"Yes," Josh replies. "And I want you to have it."

"What?! I can't take that!"

"Please." He puts the small piece of fabric into my hands and a lump forms in my throat. "It's to remember me by."

"I'll always remember you," I reply. "Don't think I'll give up. I'm still going to stay your number one stalker." Josh smiles and wraps his arms around me in a hug. "Sure, we can still skype. And send letters. We can keep in touch!"

A fangirl's dream: A Josh Hutcherson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now