Chapter 2

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Emma's POV

Emma: "I'm the last person to judge you for whatever you did. You can really tell me..."

I looked expectantly at my sister with a soft smile, which was supposed to give her courage and strength. I could see in her eyes, that she needed those things right now.

Allison: "I did something - something terrible."

I gave her another softly smile.

Emma: "Its okay. No matter what it is. We all have done things we regret. I'm sure you had a good reason."

Allison: "Sure everyone has bad moments, but this is...different. I-I killed someone."

Emma: "What? Why? It was probably just an accident. Don't worry."

I never thought my sister was capable of murder. She's so sweet and all. It has to be an accident.

Allison: "It wasn't an accident. I-I threw a knife at her, which I let appear in my hand by magic."

Emma: "Who was it?"

She looked beside the bed and my eyes followed her gaze to where Regina lay on the floor. That's obviously how the Evil Queen died. The final battle might have started between me and her, but it ended between Ally and Regina. Light magic won. Allison and I won.

Allison: "I killed her just because she looked like the person, who attacked me. But that one was actually with you. She fought against you, tried to kill you and I saw her succeed, which she didn't..."

Emma: "The Evil Queen did succeed. She stabbed me. I was dead, but because you killed her doppelgänger the final battle was won by the light. We won. That way I survived. That's why Killian's kiss woke me up."

I squeeze her hand again and try to make her feel better. I do know what it feels like to kill someone. It isn't a pretty feeling and I don't want her to have it. I need to make her happy again. No matter how. I can't fail. I'm the Savior and I'm still working on my twins happy ending. She deserves that. She's been alone and without her family for even longer than me and I have found my happy ending. It's Killian.

Now she needs hers with Robert and their daughter Melanie, who's a little cutie.

Emma: "You saved my life."

Allison: "But at what cost? Maybe Killian could've saved you without me killing someone before that. I'm a terrible person."

Damn. My plan didn't work. She still doubts herself. I guess there's only one way left...I have to tell her the thing I never meant to tell her. My darkest secret towards her.

I do am scared to lose her, but I have to take this chance. She deserves the truth and it might give her hope that everything is going to be okay.

Emma: "'re not a terrible person. Sometimes you do something that evil, but mostly it has important reasons. I understand that."

Allison: "What are you saying?"

Emma: "I also killed someone a long time ago..."

Allison: "What? How-Why?"

The tears are streaming down her face even more now. I hurt her. Disappointed her, but she needs to know.

After all we all have our inner demons. Our inner darkness.

Emma: "A while ago there was this woman in town. Her name was Cruella and she was a villain, who was working with Gold. They wanted a happy ending for villains and misery for the heroes. One day she kidnapped Henry. When I found him they were standing next to a cliff and she was holding a gun against his head."

Tears are streaming down my face in full force now too. This memory is very painful. I don't like talking about it for many reasons. One being that I killed Cruella, but another is the feeling I had when I saw her standing there, threatening my son. I was so worried about him. I thought I'd failed him and that I would lose him. And it was all my fault because I wasn't good enough at being the Savior.

Emma: "So I did the only thing I felt was right...I pulled the trigger of my own gun. I shot her and she fell down the cliff to her death. A few minutes later I got a call from my parents. The author had told them, that he took her power to kill. So I killed her in vain. She was only bluffing. She never could've killed Henry."

We were both crying. It almost seemed like a contest, but maybe that's what we need. There's been a lot of pain in our memories. Maybe it's good to let it out. Maybe it'll leave us happier in the end.

Emma: "What you did isn't any different. I was protecting Henry and you were protecting me. We all have darkness inside of us, but you feel guilty about this, which means you're a good person. Don't let this change who you are. You're strong. You can move on from this. I'll help you. I love you no matter what."

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