Chapter 7

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Emma and Killian continued to talk for a while until Emma decided to head to work.

When the pair arrived downstairs they found Emma's parents and baby Melanie gone. There was a letter from them on the kitchen counter though, but Emma didn't notice and her anger increased once again.

Emma: "Where the hell did they take my niece?!"

Killian: "Calm down, Swan. They left a note."

Killian read it quickly while holding Emma's hand in an attempt to chase her worries away. She's far less angry when she's close to him.

Killian: "Granny called them because the diner is taking up more of her time than usual. They had to pick your brother up from there. You can go to work in peace and I'll go to the loft and get your niece back. Okay?"

Emma: "Okay. Will you come by later?"

Killian: "Of course. I won't let you worry about Melanie the whole day. Also I can't let you starve at the Sheriffs station. I'll bring you by lunch."

Emma: "Thanks. I love you."

Killian: "I love you too. See you later, my love."

Emma: "See you."

She pecked his lips softly, took her red leather jacket and headed to the Sheriffs station.

Killian headed upstairs again for his leather jacket. While he did his eyes fell on his sea chest and he realized, that there was another thing he should take with him.


Half an hour later Killian arrived at the loft and he knocked lightly on the door. That's when he realized how much his hand was shaking. He was more nervous than he thought he'd be.

But he won't say no to a challenge. Especially since he believes in good form and proposing to Emma without her parents permission would be the opposite.

Seconds after he knocked on the door, Mary Margaret answered it with a big smile on her face.

MM: "Killian! It's good to see you. Come inside."

She stepped away from the door to let Killian enter the loft. As soon as he did he heard Melanie crying in Davids arms. The baby was reaching for Killian, so he went to her quickly and David gave her to him.

Killian: "Hello, little love. Everything's alright."

She instantly relaxed in his arms and fell asleep soon after, snuggling into his chest.

MM: "She seems to be very fond of you."

David: "Yeah. Who is she though?"

Killian: "She's Allison's. Her name is Melanie."

Both Charmings then look down at their granddaughter in awe. They have soft smiles on their faces.

Killian: "She's staying with us since Ally's still in the hospital and Chase is there with her. She's still in a bad mental state because of what happened with Regina, so we didn't wanna burden her with the baby."

MM: "If you and Emma need help, we can always do that. You just have to ask."

Killian: "I don't know if that's the best idea since Emma's still mad at you two. But don't worry, she won't be mad at you forever. She just needs time to forgive you. She said as much."

MM: "Thank you by the way for earlier when you defended us. You didn't have to do that. We don't wanna risk Emma being mad at you too."

Killian: "Its alright. I did it for her. You're important to her and I don't want her to lose you because of anything. If she pushes the two of you away, she'd never forgive herself. I just want her to be happy."

David: "We want the same. Her happiness is more important to us than anything."

MM: "Yeah."

Killian then nervously looked down at Melanie, who was still sleeping soundly, and decided that it was now or never. He had to do it now. There's nothing to be scared off. The worse thing that can happen is that her parents say no.

He hopes, that they won't, but if they do, he's going to respect that. And he'd find a way to prove to them, that he's worthy of their daughter hand in marriage.

Killian: "Speaking of Emma, there's something I wanted to talk to you about."

Mary Margaret's face lit up like a Christmas tree and it made Killian wonder if it was that obvious, that he wants to ask them for Emma's hand in marriage.

Killian: "I care a lot about your daughter. I think, that deep down I always did. Even when we first met in the Enchanted Forest and she left me on the beanstalk.
I love her and I'd never want to hurt her or cause any pain. Also I intend to spend the rest of my life with her, so I've been meaning to ask her to marry me. Do I have your blessing for that?"

Mary Margret hugged the pirate as soon as he finished his little speech. As she pulled away she smiled at him with tears in her eyes.

MM: "Of course."

Then Killian looked to Emma's father. He was very scared of his reaction.

David had frozen the moment Killian asked for his permission to marry his baby daughter.

That worried Killian even more since you couldn't see in Charmings face whether he's going to say yes or no.

There was an awkward silence in the room, which seemed to last forever, but eventually David broke it with a big smile on his face.

David: "Yes."

He chuckled lightly then.

David: "Were you really that nervous?"

Killian just blushed, which he doesn't do very often.

David: "I didn't know you were so old fashioned either."

Killian: "Well I am over 300 years old, mate."

Mary Margaret just shook her head at the bromance of her husband and her future son in-law.

MM: "So have you planned anything yet?"

There was a lot of excitement in Mary Margaret's voice, which made Killian very happy since it means, that she really approves of him.

Killian: "Not really. I wanted to ask you for permission first."

MM: "If you need help, you can tell me. I'd be happy to help you plan the proposal. I could also help you pick a ring, if you'd like."

Killian: "Actually I already have a ring. My mother gave it to me."

MM: "Can I see it?"

There was even more excitement in her voice now and Killian could hear her gasp as he pulled out the ring from his jacket.

MM: "This is very beautiful, Killian. I'm sure Emma's going to love it."

She hugged her future son in-law once again and this time she couldn't stop the tears from streaming down her face. They were tears of happiness though.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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