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When Betty sees you

You walk into Pop's. You smile at all the memories you have made here. Months away from Riverdale had made you into a whole new person. New attitude, new body, better looks. You scan the restaurant when you lay eyes on some old friends.

You walk over to them and smile.

"Hey guys. Long time, no see."

"Oh my god, Y/N! You look amazing!"Kevin exclaims.

"Thanks Kev! You don't look so bad yourself." You say with a wink.

You look at Betty, who is gaping at you. You bite your lip and stifled back a laugh.

You put your hand on Betty's shoulder. "We should ,really, hang out," you lean over and whisper in her ear, "alone." She tenses up. You chuckle and grin. "See you at school." 

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