Ch11 insanity is safe

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I walked into school expecting it to be another great day but as I was walking down the hallway a group of kids gathered around me to form a circle then they started to push me into each other and saying mean 'stupid, ugly, on one lovers you, I hope you die,go kill yourself, your a mistake,why are you alive, everyone hates you, pink is stupid' the last kid pushed me so hard to the floor I got a bloody nose I just laid there with a bloody nose not moving all I did was listen to the kids laugh at me until they left when I got to my locker there was a lot of notes on it with only mean comments about me but I didn't let it bother me to much as I was throwing the notes away jack texted me "hey can you come to auditorium at lunch I have something special for you" "k" I texted back "wonder what he has for me now" I thought walking to class

(time skip lunch) the lunch bell has just rang and I was running to the auditorium to meet jack when I got there I saw jack up on stage I went ran up the stage "stop right there" jack said I stopped dead in my tracks "jack what's wrong" I said "oh nothing" he said then heather walked up next to jack and turned to him jack put his arm around her and got close to her face "jack what are you doing" I yelled then jack kissed her the lips I fell to my knees and closed my eye feeling like I was about to cry then I felt something being poured on to me and then I began to hear a lot of kids laughing when I opened my eyes I saw kids gathered around me laughing there ass off I looked up at jack who was standing in front of me "hahaha you thought I actually loved you hell no your such a ugly bitch why would anyone love you your so gullible" I thought I was about to cry but I didn't let it show on my face I got up and walked away to the bathroom

I took off my sweater which was covered in garbage and tried to wash it a little in the sink but after trying to clean it still had the heavy smell of garbage and my final reaction to the whole situation was

I heard the 7th period bell ring I put my sweater in my bag and went to music "y/n what's that smell" ms. apple said "oh um I was not looking were I was going so I trip over a garbage can and got coved" I said "oh ok keep your arms at you side" she said as she pulled out a bottle of perfume and sprayed it on me "ok there all done go sit" said I went grab my guitar that was sitting next to my chair but heather picked it up "give it back heather" I growled "oh I just want to see" heather said she then pulled out a scissor and cut all the strings and then broke the neck of the guitar off the body and threw it to the ground and stomped on the body of the guitar I pushed her off and fell to my knees once again and held all the pieces of my guitar in my arms heather began laughing I felt like the world was against me like it didn't want me to be happy "this used to be my sister guilt before she died why would heather do this what sin have I done to get this type of pain and torture" I thought feeling the tears form in my eyes "heather how dear you do that to her" ms apple said I then felt her put her hand on my shoulder "oh y/n it's impossible to fix it now I guess you'll have to get a new one" said as soon she said that felt like I was about to burst out in tears but I put the broken guitar in my bag and got up about to walk out the class "y/n it's just a guitar no reason to get so upset about it" said I turned around without thinking pushed her into a bunch of empty seats and ran all the way home

I got to my room and closed the door behind me and got scissors form my desk then ran into my bathroom pulled off my shirt and looked at my right arm that had scares from my mom I looked at myself in the mirror "I'm sorry toriel" I said as tears began to fall down my face I opened the scissors and began to cut my arm after a few seconds I stopped I had around 10 cuts on my arm I dropped the now bloody scissors to the floor looked back at the mirror to see tears falling non stop down my face I took my left hand and began to scratch at my left cheek when I was done I had a big cut on my face I fell to one knee and began to scream from all the sadness and pain that was going threw my body I kept screaming until I felt something put its arms around me I got up and turned around and what I saw I almost couldn't believe my eyes it was Lily she was standing there with a big welcoming smile and Nate leaning against the wall with a big welcoming smile as well "Lily Nate your alive I know you would never leave me" I said in excitement I ran up to them and gave them a big hug and crying some more "shh  y/n it's going to be ok we're never going to leave you again we're sorry" Nate said in his soothing voice "yeah and we'll protect you from all those demons we promise" Lily said  "I don't care I'm just happy your alive"I said happily "okay go put gauzes on those cut and then take a shower okay" Nate said

(3 person pov you always sound happy now)

Toriel and the others walked into the house and began to take off there coats "human we're home" papyrus called out then y/n came running in pure excitement out of her room wearing a baby blue onesie footsie pajamas ran up to toriel and giving her a big hug "oh my child what got you so excited and what happened to your cheek"toriel said "the best thing happened to me today when I got home" y/n said jumping on her toes "well what happened" gaster said "Lily and Nate came back there over there" y/n said pointing to the top of the stairs everyone looked but saw nothing "hey uh kiddo there's no one up there" sans said a bit worried "what do you mean there right over there" she said pointing to the stairs again toriel got down on to her knees and turned y/n around "is there something wrong my child" toriel said very worried "no why would there be I'm fine" y/n said then her eye tweeted a little toriel got up and walked over to undye and whispered "keep y/n down here I'm going to check her room" "okay" undye whispered undye then picked up y/n and placed her on the couch undye sat next to her "hey punk how about we watch some tv" undye said "sure can lily and Nate watch to" y/n said "ok" undye said toriel and gaster walked into y/n room to see if there was any sharp objects "you saw the way she was acting right" gaster said "yeah but how could her personality change from this morning and did you see the size of the bandage on her face"toriel said " yeah and maybe it changed during the weeks and we didn't notice"gaster said he then turned around and looked in her bathroom to see blood on the floor bloody scissors and bloody hand prints "toriel you have to see this" gaster said gesturing for her to walk over and toriel nearly cried.
( wow plot twist who know okay if you want me to do an uploading sbree comment # I love sans ,now I'm going to show you what Lily and Nate look like)

 ( wow plot twist who know okay if you want me to do an uploading sbree comment # I love sans ,now I'm going to show you what Lily and Nate look like)

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Lily ⬆️ she has pink hair

Lily ⬆️ she has pink hair

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Nate ⬆️ he has black hair

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