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I was walking down the hallway to the main office not really sure if I was going the right way "man why is that teacher so mean oh here's the main office" I said going in "hello how may I help you" the lady said "yeah I'm y/n I was sent here by MRS.Jackson" I said "oh yes I'm Ms.Alyssa you can go in "Ms. Alyssa said "think you" I said going in as so I got in I closed the door behind me "oh hello you must be y/n I'm principal Murdock or if you want call me MS. Murdock come sit down take off you sweater" MS. Murdock said "okay its nice to meet you" I said sitting down "so your teacher told me that you aren't wear a skirt and a short sleeve shirt why is that" she said "I don't wear things like that for reasons" I said "ok the girls wear skirts because it teach them how to love there body and so we can see if kids have been cutting and we can stop it" she said "well I don't love my body and like I said before I have my reasons why I don't wear skirts"I said "how about you tell me one of those reason" she said "no I well not" I said "do you have depression cause you sound and act like you do" she said "that is nun of your business even toriel doesn't know" I said "well I guess I'll have to check your files from your other school" she said pulling out my files after a few minutes her eyes widen I look over at what she was reading it was about what happened to my mom and what she did to me "please don't tell anyone ok not even toriel please" I said looking away "ok here if any of your teachers complain about what your wearing just show them this" she said handing me piece of paper then I ran out to get to class as I was turning the corner I ran into a girl who was holding a cup of unicorn coffee which caused me to fall down "uh watch were you going bitch" the girl said "sorry I didn't see you well I'm new here I'm y/n " I said getting up "well I'm heather and you wouldn't like me when I'm mad understood and are you a girl cause you look like a boy hahaha" heather said "yeah I'm a girl and I like looking like a boy" I said walking away when I finally got to class I read the paper it read "y/n is allowed to wear pants and long sleeve shirts with out question" I then showed MRS Jackson he told me to sit were ever and that will be my permanent set there was one right up front and one all the way in the back next to the window I chose the one I the back and got settled in just in time for second period then he began teaching about the great depression sense he was a history teacher after ten minutes I see heater walk in and she was not happy when she saw me again she came stomping over to me "move that is my seat" she said "um no cause I like this seat and I don't see your name on it and this is now my permanent seat so good bye" I said "ok I'll give you two minutes to get up or else" she threatened "no I will not leave this seat" I said quickly wrapping my legs behind the front legs of the chair and griping onto my desk then heaters friends walk over to me and try to pull me off of the chair and desk but I was not going to give up so easily (ten minutes later yes it took the teacher that long) MSR Jackson turned around to see what all the noise was about "you three stop that right now' MRS Jackson demanded "but she's in my seat" heater wined "well if you got her early she wouldn't have your seat your new permanent seat is that one" mrs Jackson said pointing to the other seat heater looked at me and growled at me and walked to her new seat ( lunch time) 5th period math just ended and it was lunch time so I took my time to find my locker and when I finally did I was so happy that I no longer need to carry my books when I was done with that I want to get my lunch and when I was done with that I want to go find a empty table to set at I found one all the way at the end of the lunch room so I walked all the way over there and relaxed I took out my sketchbook and began drawing a picture of the time I dreamed of all my siblings hanging from a tree like I did with all my nightmares or what ever depressing or sad thing I wanted to draw like the draw of me with cuts all over my arms standing in a puddle of blood with a knife in my hand some kids came walking over to me and saw some of the drawings and left scared one kid even said that I needed help that bugged me a bit but not to much I began to pack up because I had around ten minutes left I had music next it took me nine minutes to find the class everyone was already settled in but I didn't know where to set so I waited when she came in she is very nice "so y/n what would you like to play" ms apple said I looked around the room until I saw a guitar and want to pick it up but heater grabbed it "nope your not taking this" she said "oh I'm sorry but we only have one guitar and heater plays it" ms apple said "oh I have a guitar at home so I'll bring it in tomorrow" I said going to take a seat so I sat in music bored out of my mind then gym rolled around I didn't do anything but sit there and draw but many kids got upset cause was breaking many rules like the dress code and not having to do anything in gym cause I didn't have the gym clothes for it and after school as I was walking home heater and five other kids beat me up when they were done I ran home like no tomorrow I had cuts and bruises all over my face.

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