Chap 8 "Familiar Face"

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Gabe's POV
I walked downstairs and Tony was standing in front of the interrogation door. "Move aside," I stated.
"No," Tony looked at me.
"I'm her lawyer, now move aside," I stated as I got a bit closer to him. "Trust me, you do not want to make me mad." Tony opened the door and I walked inside. He closed the door. "Justice."
"Gabe, what the hell are you doing here?" Justice asked.
"Look, I'm with your sister and I told her I'll stall until your mother gets here," I nodded. "What are the charges?"
"Identity theft," Justice sighed. "I didn't even know NCIS dealt with this things."
"Because they don't," I sighed. "Justice, if you don't tell me what's going on, I can't help you. There's a reason why NCIS has you in custody. What are you involved in?"
"Nothing,'" Justice looked at me. "I know about my rap sheet in New York, but I haven't lived in Quantico since I was sixteen." I sighed. "And I haven't been in any trouble with the Navy or the Marines. Gabe, I need to get out of here."
"Your mom and your sister are doing the best they can," I nodded. "I promise you will be out of here in no time."
"Gibbs, there is no evidence on Justice," Katie stated as she walked into the room with Gibbs and Lynnea. "Release her or I'm suing NCIS."
"Katie, again, I don't know why we're holding her," Gibbs sighed.
"Boss, she went to Paris to get out of the trouble she caused here," Tony sighed. "Are we just going to look over that?"
"DiNozzo, all she did was mess up in New York," Gibbs replied. "Her record is sealed and expunged. Justice, you're free to go."
"Good," Justice stated as she stood up. "I only came here because Lynnea called me about him."
"Me?" I asked.
"Yeah," Justice nodded. "Leave it be. I'm heading home."
"Okay," Katie sighed as Justice left. Lynnea's phone rang and she looked at it. "Who is it?"
"I gotta get this," Lynnea nodded. She picked up. "Hello?" She looked at me and then back at Katie. "We'll be right up." She hung up. "Mom, you have to see this."
"Lynnea, what do you need to show me?" Katie asked as Lynnea grabbed her hand.
"Come on," Lynnea smiled. We all followed her upstairs. "Hi Dad!" She ran up and hugged Chris. "Mom, you remember Chris, right?"
"Yeah," Katie smiled. "Chris." She hugged him. "Is it really you?"
"Yeah, Katie," Chris smiled.
"I can't believe you're here," Katie smiled as she hugged him. She pulled back. "Wait, wait, wait. You're supposed to be ---"
"Dead," McGee stated as he looked at Chris. "We did the crime scene ourselves." I crossed my arms. "Boss, he is supposed to be dead."
"Yeah, McGee, but we have our cases to worry about," Gibbs sighed.
"It's obvious Lynnea's glad to have her dad back," I replied. "Can't we just accept it and move forward?"

Lynnea's POV
"Mom, what are you doing?" I asked as Mom got out her phone. "Oh no. Who are you calling?"
"You don't have to call me," Uncle Dean sighed as he walked in with him phone ringing. "What do you need to talk to me about?"
"My dead husband?" Mom pointed at Chris. "What did you do, Dean?"
"You know what I did but it wasn't me," Uncle Dean replied. "It wasn't Sam either. Can't you just be happy that he's back?"
"I kinda accepted that he passed away eighteen years ago," Mom sighed as she looked at Dean. "I wouldn't be with Oliver if I didn't accept that."
"No, you just accepted that I wanted you to be happy," Chris replied.
"Chris, I was widowed and I knew you wanted me to be happy," Mom stated. Sam walked in. "So I knew I had to be happy."
"I thought you were dead," Sam pointed at Chris.
"He was but your brother, here, brought him back," Mom pointed at Dean.
"Mom, I'm happy that he's back," I sighed. "I'm happy that my dad's back. Why can't you just be happy that I'm happy?"
"Lynnea, when I said to take care of it, I didn't mean this," Mom replied. "I wanted things to go back to the old way. When you would meet him at the cemetery in Metropolis."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I nodded. "I told Uncle Dean that but he showed up at the cemetery with him."
"Okay, then we're going to have to work something out here," Mom threw her hands up. "I obviously can't have him stay with me. Oliver will go nuts."
"It's clear that she still has feelings for him," Gabe stated.
"Well, yeah, but I can't just drop Oliver just to get back with Chris," Mom replied. "I mean, it's bad enough Candie's father won't own up to her either."
"Hey, I want to but you know I can't," Sam stated.
"Exactly," Mom looked at Sam. "Which is why you left my life and I absolutely loved it that we weren't in contact."
"Then why pull me back into this crap?" Sam asked.
"That's your brother," Mom crossed her arms.
"I give up," I sighed.
"Well, to get rid of me, you're gonna have to kill me, because that's the only way to get rid of me," Dad replied.
"Mom, you're not going to kill Dad," I nodded. "Why can't you accept that I can finally have a normal life with my father?"
"Did you forget who raised you?" Mom asked.
"Mom, no, but this is a chance for me to be with my real dad," I replied. "I can live in New York with him and Gabe and I can have a normal relationship without having to hide Dad from him."
"Your father is supposed to take care of you," Mom sighed.
"Well, till I figure out a way, I will," I shrugged. "I got enough until I do figure something out."

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