Chap 2 "Being Safe"

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Lynnea's POV
"I'll thank you when this is over," Rome nodded.
Before I could say my next sentence, we were all grabbed and taken to an unknown location. I looked at the guy. "Well, nice to see you again, Lucas," I looked at him. "Why are we in cuffs?"
"Mr. Nobody," Lucas nodded. We waited for hours. "He'll be here."
Mr. Nobody walked in with Hobbs. "Hey, listen guys," Mr. Nobody stated and we showed him our hands. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Handcuffs? What is this?"
"It's called abuse of power," Rome replied.
I had my hands under the table, picking the lock on the cuff. "You told me to round them up," Lucas replied.
"I didn't tell you to handcuff them," Mr. Nobody replied. "Cut them loose. This is embarrassing. Sorry guys."
"Uh-huh," I nodded as I put my cuffs on the table. Letty picked hers and put them on the table as well. "Is this how you treat old friends?"
"Friends?" Tej asked. "We don't even really know who the hell this guy is."
"It doesn't matter who I am," Mr. Nobody replied as he got the cuffs off Tej, Rome, and Ramsey. "Tej, I'm nobody, okay."
"Nobody," Tej nodded. "So, then, who is he?"
"Him? He's nothing," Mr. Nobody replied. "He's less than me."
"Clearly we're getting nowhere with nobody," Rome sighed as Hobbs ast down. "I've been here for four hours. My ribs are showing. I don't know about y'all, but I'm out."
"Wouldn't recommend that," Lucas replied.
"What?" Rome asked.
"Well, thanks to your botch Berlin job, you all made Interpol's top ten most wanted list," Mr. Nobody replied.
"Even me?" I asked. Mr. Nobody nodded. "But I haven't done anything."
"Top ten?" Rome asked. "That's alright."
"Well, not you, Roman," Mr. Nobody added. "You just missed the cut. You're number eleven."
"I missed it?" Rome asked. Mr. Nobody nodded. "That's impossible. What number did they come in at?"
"Hobbs is six, Letty is eight, Tej is nine, and Ramsey is at ten," Lucas replied.
"What about me?" I asked.
"Well, with your mom being a former agent and your dad a billionaire CEO, you come it at five," Lucas replied.
"My dad isn't a CEO," I replied. "My dad was murdered when I was two months old. Check the facts. My father was Chris Powell, not Oliver Queen."
"Well, he started being your dad after Chris was murdered so the government is seeing him as your dad," Lucas replied. "Any other concerns?"
"She's ten?" Rome asked. "That's impossible. There's no way she's ten."
"Oh, she's ten," Tej replied. "She's definitely a ten."
"How about we focus on someone who we're not going to find on somebody's list?" Mr. Nobody asked. He pulled up a profile. "We're waiting on confirmation but I believe that's the cyber terrorist known as Cipher."
"Wait, no, Cipher is an organization," Ramsey nodded. "Not a person."
"Not according to our sources," Lucas nodded.
"What does she want?" Letty asked.
"No one knows," Ramsey replied. "Cipher is like a digital act of God."
"She can manipulate world systems from the shadows," I sighed. "Anything that can be hacked is hers to play with. But you won't find her linked to any of it. Her digital identity is scrubbed every few seconds, worldwide." I looked at Lucas. "Before you ask, I know this because my mom was trying to take her down when she tried to hack the FBI's BAU information system to see which criminals she can manipulate and have them on her side."
"So, basically, she's like the boogeyman," Tej nodded.
"She's one of the hottest boogeyman's I've ever seen," Rome replied. "If you see her, tell her to hollar at your boy."
Lucas cleared his throat and kicked Rome. "What are you?" Lucas asked. "Twelve?"
"That was my shin," Rome replied.
"What the hell does any of this have to do with us?" Letty asked.
"Probably nothing, but I do find it interesting that, apparently, for some reason, she's now working with this guy," Mr. Nobody replied as a picture of Dom popped up. "What do you think?"
"He already delivered a fully operational EMP into her hands," Lucas sighed. "Detonate that, it can turn any city into the world into a warzone."
"So, what is it you're suggesting we do?" Tej asked.
"Find Dom," Mr. Nobody sighed. "Well, of course we gotta catch him first and then figure out why he turned."
"Maybe we can ask Lynnea," Lucas looked at me.
"Hey, he may be my brother, but he was on his honeymoon the last time I heard," I replied. "Until he called me needing me for a mission in Berlin. I accepted. Come to find out, he turned on us the day I see him. So don't ask me why Dom turned. He may be my brother but I'm not his keeper. Maybe you can ask Letty."
"Hey!" Letty exclaimed, towards me. "I'm not very found of you but Dom loves you, okay? The only reason why I'm here is because of Dom and to figure out why." I nodded. "Don't do that, Lynnea. You have the perfect life with the perfect mom and the perfect dad. The rest of us didn't grow up with a perfect family." Letty looked at me. "So don't start pointing fingers at me because we may be married, but he goes places alone as well."
"You don't know nothing about my family. My mom, she was a former agent for the FBI and NCIS. She still is but only when they call her to help out. She resigned so she can help Oliver run Queen Industries full time," I nodded. "And Oliver, he may be the guy who raised me, but he is definitely not my father. My father was Chris Powell. All star quarterback through high school and for a while when he was at Harvard. Then he transferred to Quantico to be with my mom." Letty's eyes softened. "He was a NCIS agent for a little bit. I don't know much about my dad other than the stuff I found online about him. All I know is that he was murdered when I was two months old. The only thing I have of his is this." I opened up the locket I was wearing to reveal a picture of me and my dad's tombstone on one side, and a picture of my dad holding me when I was almost two months old on the other. "So, don't assume you know me because you think I have a perfect family. You may come from a broken family, but so do I."
"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Letty asked.
"Well, you can call my parents or you can ask Lucas," I pointed. "He grew up with me in New York, before he disappeared off the grid." My phone rang and I looked at it. "It's my sister."
"Go ahead and answer it," Mr. Nobody nodded. "And put it on speaker."
"Tracking," I sighed.
"This building prevents tracking," Mr. Nobody replied. "Go ahead and answer it."
"Okay," I shrugged. I picked up and put the phone on speaker. I laid it on the table. "Hey, Justice."
"Lynnea, what the hell?!" Justice whispered shouted at me.
"Justice, you're going to have to be more specific," I replied.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Justice nodded. "I go to work and I find you're number 5 most wanted to Interpol's list. What the hell did you do in Berlin?"
"Uhm, yeah, that's classified," I nervously chuckled.
"Classified? How about Interpol currently trashing our apartment as we speak?" Justice asked. "What the hell did you do? I need the truth, Lynnea."
"Hi. Justice Queen, my name is Mr. Nobody," Mr. Nobody stated.
"Oh boy," I sighed leaning back in my chair. "This isn't going to go good."
"What the hell kind of name is that?" Justice asked. "I demand you put Lynnea back on the phone before I take my mom's team with me and find out wherever the hell you are."
"Can't find a trace, can you?" Mr. Nobody asked. Justice was quiet. "Well, Justice, if you should know, Lynnea has been called on a classified case for me. Now, if you search my name up in any database, you'll find that I'm the real deal." I looked at him. "Don't worry about Lynnea being on Interpol's list. I'll take care of it."
"I gotta go, Justice," I replied. "Love you, bye." I hung up. "That's what I get for having a sister as a NYPD detective who knows my mom's NCIS and FBI teams."
"We need you," Lucas nodded.
"For what?" I asked. "You guys got me on Interpol's list. It's not like I got anymore to lose."
"They want us to track Dom," Rome sighed.
"Yeah, I know, Roman," Mr. Vincent replied. "It's kinda a big job."
"It's impossible," Rome nodded.
"Which is why I'm bringing in an extra pair of hands," Mr. Nobody replied as the doors opened.
"Who?" I asked. Deckard Shaw walked in. "Oh no."
"Ah, my day just got a whole hell of a lot better," Hobbs quickly stood up. "Mr. Nobody, you want to tell me why you just put me in a room with this teen crumpit eating criminal son of a bitch?"
"What a big mouth on a small head," Deckard stated.
"Don't think we've forgot everything that you've done," Letty responded.
"We are NOT teaming up with this guy," Tej stated as we all stood up.
"Let's get one thing clear," Deckard stated. "I ain't on your team. I don't care about you, your crew, or your little family. I'm here for Cipher."
"Does that mean I can hit him?" I asked. "I've been dying to give him another one because he killed Han."
"What are you gonna do? Apply for a job?" Hobbs asked. "Head asshole?"
"You know, I think that tight t-shirt is cutting off the circulation to your brain," Deckard nodded. "You should get a bigger size." I crossed my arms. "Cipher came to me first. Wanted me to steal Night Shade for her. When I said no, she went after my brother."
Deckard stood a foot away from Hobbs. "Ah, yes," Mr. Nobody nodded as he changed the screen. "Brother Owen, who could forget him, huh?" I sighed. "Former hell raiser and a current guest at a nasty little black site prison."
"Cipher corrupted him and left him for dead," Deckard replied. "So, if I have a shot of taking her down, believe me, I'm taking it."
"You're taking my boot right up your ass," Hobbs stepped a little closer to Deckard and Lucas put his hand on his gun.
"Hobbs," I warned him.
"Guys, the fastest way to find Cipher is through Toretto," Mr. Nobody replied. Lucas relaxed and fixed his tie as he cleared his throat. "Now, aside from myself, there are only two men in the world that have actually managed to track him down with any success." I sighed. "And guess what, they're both standing in front of me now. So, like it or not, you two are gonna work together."
"Am I the only one seeing this?" Rome asked.
"Oh, this ought to be good," Lucas sighed.
"Use God's Eye," Rome nodded. "We put our lives on the line. Running around the world, trying to figure this thing out. It can find anybody, right?" I sighed. "Let's use it to find Dom."
"I would've thought you tried that," I sighed.
"We did," Lucas whispered in my ear.
"Ohh well, this is going to be really good," I smiled. "He has no idea what he's walking into."
"Roman," Mr. Nobody sighed. "That is a great idea."
"Did you hear that?" Rome smiled.
"I'm going to enjoy this," I nodded. "Should you tell him?"
"Let's just watch this," Lucas nodded. "I'll explain later."
"Mr. Nobody, let's fire it up, huh?" Hobbs nodded.

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