Chapter 7

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LindseyMackenzie's POV:

We all were walking down the sidewalk. Lola, Bobby, Katie, and AJ were in front followed by Trey and I and behind us was Emily. She was walking the slowest so Jenny went to talk to her. I glanced back in time to see Emily point at Trey and I with a sad face while Jenny looked at us with a smile.

I could tell Emily was getting mad or jealous, I wasn't quite sure what was going through my twin's head. I let go of Trey's hand and just kept walking not saying a word to him.

"LindseyMackenzie, can I talk to you?" I heard Jenny's voice behind me. Oh no! What did I do now?

I walked back towards Jenny while Emily sped ahead to catch up with the group.
"I'm sorry," Jenny said.

"For?" I asked confused. Jenny hasn't apologized to me ever.
"I snapped at you back at the police station and even before that. I shouldn't have said anything I did. You're not irresponsible. You're a great young girl who sometimes bends the rules a bit." Jenny said which made me smile.

"I forgive you. Thank you for that." I said as Emily came running back to us.
"Jenny, there's something I forgot to tell you. I called my parents back at the police station and told them we were there." Emily said which caused my mouth to drop.

Jenny, Emily, and I sprinted towards the rest of the group.
"She called the parents." Jenny said. "That's it. It's over. Emily you have to call them back and tell them it was a prank."

"Here. Use my mine." Lola said and gave her phone to Emily.

As Emily dialed the number, I started to panicked. I can not get into trouble. I don't want to be grounded for something Trey caused in the first place. He should have never snuck out, went to the city, bought concert tickets, and went the pizza place. None of this wouldn't happen if Trey was dumb. I can't let him be a bad influence on me. I've been doing better with my rebellious acts as my parents call them. I can't have Trey mess it up.

"Huh. It didn't work. She didn't answer." Emily told us.
"Great!" I said out loud. Trey glanced at me as I spoke.
"What about deleting the message before they hear it?" Jenny said.
"How?" Emily asked.
"Mom and dad are at the planetarium, it's not that far from here," I told them remembering that mom said something about a party.

"Yeah sneak into the party find your mom's phone and delete the message off her phone before she even sees it," Lola said thinking of the plan.
"Sure no problem McGiver, I just took out the security guards with my Taser gun and then Katie can shoot me through air," Jenny said sarcastically.
"Why do you have to be so negative? Can you even consider idea that is a little bit outside of the box?" Lola backfired at Jenny. I am choosing to stay out of this fight. What is this the 5th time they have argued?

"Outside of the box! You just got outside of jail and now want to break in to the gala? Even if we can make it there's no chance we have enough time to make to the garage and have the money by midnight." Jenny said once again being negative Nancy.
"Katie's three star party survival kit" Katie said so happily bouncing up and down. "Mommy keeps $100 in her kit which is in her coat pocket."

"YES! Katie!" Everyone cheered, but Jenny.
"No guys. It's to dangerous." Jenny told us.
"Come on, Jenny. There are moments in life when you just have to take a risk once in a while." Lola told her while she brought her hands together, begging Jenny. "This is one of those moments."

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