「 10 」

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italic is nick
bold is maurice

so, what did you think?

fuck yes. a million times yes!

so you liked it?

liked it? i loved it so much!

emmy keep it down!

sorry, mama!


it's a nickname my adoptive mother gave me. it kinda stems off the first letter of my name.

which is?


why won't you tell me your name?

because, nicholas, you wouldn't understand.

understand what? emmy, help me understand.

i'm sorry, nick. it's hard to explain.

you know what else is hard to explain?


why i'm so hung up on some girl who's name i don't even know. my mom wants to know who you are, and why i'm so into you.

y-you're into me?

yes! fuck, emmy. i like you so much.

is that why you want to know my name?

...i gotta go, emmy. see you whenever.

nick, wa—!

he hung up on her, leaving maurice sorrowful and angry.

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