「 03 」

218 8 1

nick: unknown, were you at our pep rally?

unknown: obviously, yes. we have to be there.

nick: actually we don't bcuz it's really only for people who do sports

nick: do you do sports unknown?

unknown: the world may never know

nick: don't quote that tootsie pop commercial

unknown: but i love tootsie pops

nick: there's ur nickname

unknown: what do you mean?

nick: instead of having u in my phone as unknown ur going to be toostie

tootsie: uhm, okay?

nick: okie dokie

tootsie: now i need a nickname for you.

tootsie: how about nicky?

nick: sure, idc.

tootsie: okay then nicky. but nobody else can call you that except me and possibly family, okay?

nicky: okay lol

tootsie: see you tomorrow, nicky.

nicky: see you tomorrow, tootsie.
read at 11:11pm

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