Being Human

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Smoke filled the air, clogging Kara's mouth and nostrils, suffocating her. Dark tendrils wrapped around her loved ones, but their screams were drowned out by the sound of the ground shaking. She tried to fly but invisible ropes held her to the ground, bringing her to her knees. She screamed and yelled and thrashed but the sky just turned blacker and blacker, bringing endless night. She watched as Winn and Alex were choked to death by the darker vines that had trapped them. But she couldn't do anything to save them.

Kara woke up to the sound of screaming, and then realized that it was her own. The door burst open and the sight of Barry's worried face made her remember the dream and she started shaking. "Kara? Are you okay?"

She nodded, standing up, "Yeah, yeah, fine. Just a...nightmare." She shuddered.

Barry put his hand on her arm, balancing her, "Yep. As heroes, we do get a lot of those, huh?"

Kara smiled weakly, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Let me change, we have to beat this Death Girl character." Before Barry could say anything, Kara was standing in a blue long-sleeved shirt and jeans. She rolled up her sleeves and tied her hair into a messy ponytail. "Ah, it feels good not to have to wear glasses." She laughed.

Barry did too. "Remember our conversation on your earth? About... seeing things at super speed?"

"You did not!" Kara giggled and playfully punched his arm, careful not to make it hurt that bad.

Barry had the 'I have an idea' look on his face. "How about we go outside today as Supergirl and The Flash but in civilian clothes?"

Kara tilted her head, "What do you mean?"

"You don't wear your glasses, and I just wear a mask." Barry explained.

"But why?"

"I do it once in awhile, it makes the public feel closer to us. Like we, in a way, are just like them."

Kara nodded, "I kinda like that idea." She jumped out the window, landing on the street outside.

Barry joined her, sporting a red leather mask. He ran down the street. "Think you can keep up, Girl of Steel?" He purposefully chose the same phrase as he'd used the first time they'd raced.

"Oh, just you watch, Scarlet Speedster." She ran past him, and launched herself into the sky. She stuck her tongue out at him from above.

He returned the action, putting his hands on his hips. "That's not fair. I can't trip you up now!!" Kara landed, "Like you would do that." By now, a crowd had gathered, watching the heroes play. "We should go, we have things to do, villains to fight-"

"-Babies to kiss." Barry interrupted her.

Kara frowned, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear.

By then, Barry had already started running towards Star Labs.

Changing into her Supergirl costume, Kara flew after him, faster than the crowd could blink.

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