Begin Again

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Barry ran into STAR LABS. "Barry! Oh, good, dude. The meta-human app is on the fritz! I have no idea where Death Girl is! This is a problem, dude! She could be killing people right now! We have to find her!" Said Cisco.

"Oh, great." Barry hopped on the computer. "I can't figure this out! Kara and I are just going to have to search the whole city!"

"That'll take hours!" cried Caitlin. "By then, the majority of the city will be dead!"

"You need to figure out something else!" added Cisco.

"I'm open for suggestions!"


"Search the whole city it is!" interrupted Kara. "Come on!" she burst out the door. Barry quickly followed.

They first searched all the buildings. "We need to check all the outside places, too!" said Kara. "We have to hurry!"

But after doing that, they still couldn't find her. Finally, Cisco's voice came over Barry's earpiece. "Barry! There's some news I just found, "Hundreds killed and injured at Central City park"! Get there, STAT!"

"What?" said Barry, not exactly processing what he had heard. "Hundreds?"

"Just get to the park!"

When they arrived at the park, a terrible scene awaited them. Death Girl and many others were there. Death Girl was killing people, lighting things on fire, and doing other destructive things. Barry stood there, staring in disbelief. He had failed to save hundreds of people. This was horrible. He didn't even deserve to be called the Flash anymore! Kara put a hand on his shoulder. "I know, this must be painful for you. But, we need to focus on beating Death Girl."

Barry nodded. Cisco interrupted them. "Guys! The only way you can stop her now is to do the speed mirage!"

Kara looked at Barry. "If you fail, you die. This whole city dies."

Then, Kara did something that Barry would have never expected. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. It was like being struck by lightning again, except he knew that this time he wouldn't collapse. Barry opened his eyes to her intense blue gaze. He felt as if she was giving him the strength that he needed to fight Death Girl and go through with the plan, When she finally released, he grabbed her wrists in determination, "We will fight, and we will win."

Kara bit her lip, "I hope." Then she launched herself into the sky.

He began to run in front of her. But nothing happened. He went faster- faster! It wasn't working. He ran faster than he ever had before. When suddenly, a high pitched noise rang in his ears. He kept running, faster and faster. That's when he heard Kara's scream coming from the guest room. "Oh no." he breathed.

Kara came out of her room. "Sorry, I just-"

"You had a nightmare. I know."

"Yeah..." Kara stared at him.

"We need to get to STAR LABS. The meta-human tracker is on the fritz."

That's when Barry's phone rang. Kara picked it up. "Hello?" she paused, then put the phone down. "That was Cisco... the meta-human tracker is on the fritz." She gave him a funny look. "We'll discuss this later."

When they arrived at STAR LABS Cisco was staring at the computer, looking frustrated. "I can't find her. You might have to search the whole city."

"No, she's at the park!" said Barry. "We have to get there!"

"Wait," said Cisco. "I need to talk to Barry." he pulled him over to the side. "You time jumped, didn't you?"


"Okay, just do everything the same as you did."

"If do that, everyone will die."

"Scratch that, new plan. Save the city. Good?"


Barry sped to the park. Kara landed next to him. "Hey! I killed you! Why can't you die?!" yelled Death Girl.

"I don't stay dead for long." answered Barry.

"Well," she snickered. "Now I can kill you again!"

Barry began to run around in front of her. Next to him, there began to appear another one of him. And another. And another. Soon, there were five Flashes zipping around in front of her. Death Girl lunged at them. She kept falling over. She began to point her finger towards the real Barry. Uh oh. He braced for impact. That's when she fell over. Kara stood behind her, grinning. "We did it!" They high fived, then headed back to STAR LABS to drop Death Girl off at the meta-human prison.

"So," Cisco greeted Barry. "Did it turn out... differently?"

Barry laughed. "Thankfully, yes."

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