Dates & Death

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He peeked into the restaurant to see Kara sitting there as Kara Danvers, complete with the glasses and awkward smile. He followed her example and came in as Barry Allen. When he waved to her, Kara stuck her tongue out at him. "I WIN!!"

Barry faked a shocked expression, "It didn't help that I had to check every sandwich shop in a 13 mile radius to see which one you were at." She sat at the table, giggling at her purposeful miscommunication. She watched him look at her face and start chuckling as well. She would get over the hilariousness of it all temporarily but then look at him and start laughing all over again. This exchange continued for 5 minutes and 42 seconds until Kara forced herself to not laugh anymore. She adjusted her glasses awkwardly and re-tied her hair in a ponytail.

"What else is new?" Barry asked her. "Anything with James perhaps?" He winked at her.

Kara made a face, "We didn't work out. He still had a thing for Lucy."

"Oh, Kara, I'm so sorry." Barry reached across the table to grab Kara's hands.

Kara nodded, "Iris?"

Barry shrugged, "I don't know, I've kinda moved on."

Kara squeezed Barry's hands, the close proximity didn't bother her, in fact, she kinda liked the feeling of lighthearted friendship. At least she thought it was friendship, it had been platonic, so far. She wasn't sure what it had become in the past hour and a half. She wasn't sure if she even wanted it to stay platonic. 'Oh, Shut Up Kara.' She mentally chided herself. Barry probably doesn't think that we're anything more than friends. Friends. That's how it started, so that's probably how it should end. Barry Allen is one of your best friends, nothing more, nothing less.

Barry thought of the lunch date that he and Kara were on approximately 15 minutes ago. Was it a lunch date? He didn't know. Were they friends? Or, maybe... something else?

"Hello? Barry? Earth to Barry? HELLLOOOOOOOO???????? BARRRY!" Cisco began to wave his hands in front of Barry's face. "ARE YOU LISTENING????????????"

"Yes, I'm listening!"

"What did I just say?"

"Um, Hello, Barry...Earth to Barry?"

"Before that, genius."

Barry frowned. "Ummmmmmm...."

Cisco returned the expression. "As I was SAYING! Her name is Marcy Maine. Whatever she touches dies. Including Kryptonians." he added. "Sooo, better be careful, guys."

"Anything else we should know about?" asked Barry.

"As I said before while you were zoned out, she also can move objects with her thoughts."

"This is wonderful," said Kara sarcastically. "She just touches someone, and they die?"

"Kind of like a death girl. DEATH GIRL! That's the one guys!" Cisco said excitedly.

"Well, how did she get the powers?"

Caitlin sighed. "Same way as always. The particle accelerator. Earth 2, that is. She was in the morgue, investigating a dead person."

"Wonderful," Barry remarked.

"When the particle accelerator went off, the ground shook and she fell and hit her head on the dead guy." added Cisco. "So DEATH GIRL was born. Zoom sent her over. To kill you. Again."

"Oh, great. How do we beat her?"

Weep. Weep. "My meta-human app is picking up some wacky signals. At the -get this- abandoned warehouse." said Cisco.

"Typical." Barry turned to Kara. "Let's go."

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