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Barry raced into S.T.A.R. LABS (Scientific Technological Advanced Research) in a flash (no pun intended) of light. "What's the emergency?!"

Cisco regarded him calmly. "Relax, dude. I never said there was an emergency!"

"Oh," said Barry, slightly embarrassed. "Hey, where's my Flash suit?"

"First of all, it's MY suit, and second of all, merry Christmas." Cisco tossed him a little box.

"Mmm, maybe OUR suit," said Barry, but nonetheless, he tore off the gift wrapping. "You know, Christmas isn't 'till next week."

"I know, but I just couldn't wait!" said Cisco excitedly while Barry opened the box.

"A ring? I'm not really looking for a relationship right now."

"Not just any ring!"

"Hey, what does this do-" Barry's question was soon answered when the Flash emblem on the ring grew bigger, and the suit came around it. The suit and symbol came together and jumped right out of the ring. "Woah!" he said, jumping back in surprise.

"To put it back in, just touch the ring to the emblem on your suit." Barry watched in awe as the suit retracted back into the ring.

"Dude, that's SO COOL! How did you do that?!"

"Remember that speed equation, the one Dr. Wells- Thawne, sorry, gave you last year? Well, I was looking at it and- guess what?"

"That it also had the equation of how to put the suit in the ring?" Caitlin chimed in.

"Yeah!" cried Cisco.

"Well, that is the coolest thing ever!" Barry's phone buzzed. There was a text from Joe.

Murder scene. Capt. Singh is looking 4 u. He says he should fire u. Get here now.

"Sorry, guys, if I don't get to the crime scene Singh's gonna murder me. Bye. And thanks!" He sped off. He quickly arrived at the crime scene. "Hey Captain Singh, I'm here!"

"Get to work, Allen!"

"Okay, okay!" Barry knelt down and examined the body. She was a young woman, around the age of 19. She had black hair and green eyes. Oddly, there was no murder weapon or mark. It was like she just randomly died. He looked at the footprints on the ground. He identified them as Nike Jordan's, women's size 10. He quickly noted that both the culprit and the victim had the same size feet. Ugh, not a doppleganger again! He sighed. She was most likely one that Zoom had sent over to kill him. He groaned. That's when he found a piece of black hair lying on the ground. Hopefully it belonged to the murderer.

"Get to your lab, Allen! Test the evidence!" yelled Barry's annoying boss.

Barry rolled his eyes. "Yes, captain Singh."

Once he was out of sight, Barry sped to the direction of S.T.A.R. LABS. As he ran, he felt an uncomfortable tingling down his spine, and a weird feeling. Oh, great! He thought. I'm breaching, and I'm not even in my Flash suit. But by that time, he was already on his way to Earth 38.

He found himself standing on a freeway in the middle of the city. Oh, pooh. He looked around to verify that he was, indeed, in the city he had hoped he was in. He looked up to see a familiar building. CATCO WORLDWIDE MEDIA. Yep. Definitely National City. He looked closely through one of the top windows. Yeah. That was definitely, definitely, Kara. WOOHOO! He thought. I'm saved! That's when he noticed, how was he gonna get Kara's attention. "Uhhhh?" he stared up into Catco again. "Err, okay!" So he sped into the building and whisked her away.

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