Chapter Sixteen

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Wednesday, May 23;

Time Unknown

"You gonna finish that?"

I looked up from my dismal bowl of oatmeal, and into the bluest eyes I had ever seen. Glancing at the guard patrolling the cafeteria, I felt a zing of glee that someone had actually spoken to me after these past few days of frightened silence.

The boy's haunted eyes bored into mine when I returned my gaze to him. As inconspicuously as I possibly could, I slid the half-eaten bowl of porridge across the table, watching as the boy dug his spoon in and proceeded to ravage it. 

"Thanks," he said, once he was done, not meeting my gaze.

His hair was long and bone-straight, black wisps falling across his forehead, almost masking the pools of azure that were his eyes. In another time, I might have reddened in the presence of such eye candy, but in this concentration camp, the only thing I felt was curiosity.

"You're the first person to say a word to me," I hissed, keeping my eyes trained on the tall, imposing guard who had a scowl etched onto his face.

"I was just hungry," was the boy's cold response. "Don't mistake that for interest. Or, worse, friendliness." The vulnerability was gone, and a look of animosity had replaced it.

I bit back a retort as my eyes wandered to a figure standing in the doorway.

My father, dressed in his trademark black suit, was staring right at me.


The room was silent, save for the incessant sound of blood pumping to my head. Once again, Martin sat opposite me, but this time, my father was seated next to me. He seemed to fill the entire room with his presence and I felt claustrophobic, a feeling I knew all too well.

"What do you want me to do, Mr. Martins?" It was Martin's quiet voice that finally broke the echoing silence.

"What's this I hear about Marco being here?" In contrast, my father was loud and commanding.

Martin cleared his throat, reddening. "He just showed up. I had no idea."

"See? That is the problem I've been having with that mixed-breed nephew of yours for the past few years. He doesn't know his damn place! He's talented at interfering!"

Martin glanced at me nervously. "Should Terra be listening to this? Sir," he added swiftly.

"Shut the hell up, Steinbeck! You and your mother are identical!" The fury in his voice made my heart beat like a bongo drum. "Don't you understand the gravity of this situation?"

Martin nodded quickly. "I do. You know I do." The fear in his voice was frightfully evident. It was obvious that he was afraid of my father, and as I glanced at the man I had called "Dad" since birth, I wondered what kind of monster I had been living with. Was he even my biological father?

"Where's your nephew now?" His voice had become considerably softer. He sounded almost nonchalant.

"He's with Evan. You know Evan, ri- "

"I'm perfectly aware of who this man is." My father waited a beat. "You just keep that nephew of yours away from my daughter. If I see him near her during this important period, there will be consequences. For the both of you."

A shiver of fear ran up my spine at his chilling words.

"Of course. I'll let him know immediately," Martin responded, still a deep shade of red. "He won't go near her."

"Good. Because I can do worse than a black eye."

My eyes swivelled to my father in shock. Worse than a black eye?

"You... you gave Marco that black eye?" I squeaked, digging my feet into the carpet. My mind raced to that morning after the dance...after Marco had kissed me... He hadn't wanted to say anything, and now I understood why.

Ignoring me, he said to Dr. Martin Steinbeck, "Put her in The Room now. It's time."

Frozen to the spot, I felt my chest clench painfully in fear, wishing I had someone to make this all go away - an ally. But there was no one. There was no one I could go to for help.

I was trapped, and the only question I could ask now was...

Time for what?

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I know nothing major really happened in this chapter, and that it might be on the short side, but hopefully you've got some insight into Mr. Martins' character. He's evil, isn't he? 

Next chapter will be better because you'll get to see THE ROOM ;) Please comment and vote! Thank you for reading thus far, you gorgeous bunch of people!

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