Look into my eyes

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Time check...2 am at Doflamingo's room...

Doflamingo put the drunk sleeping woman in his bed before he went out to informed his members that he already found you... You are sleeping but suddenly feels so hot and uncomfortable with your clothes so you removed all then throw in the floor. He is watching you doing it, he saw you naked with your eyes close. He steps forward still his eyes with you, he touch and caress your face, you moaned then grab and positioned his palm on your cheek, he swallowed and tried to kiss you but he did'nt. Doflamingo move away his face and removed his hand but you are holding him so tight so you and him remained in that position for few minutes before you let his hand go. He fix you in a comfortable postion and cover your naked body with his blanket.

"Sleep well my sleeping drunk beauty..." he whispered before turning his back. He sit in his couch and lay down himself, the gravity of his eyes and fatigue put him into sleep...

time check... 11.10 am...

You got up in unfamiliar huge room with a huge bed and mostly colors are pink so you already knew that you're back in the palace, to the kings room then you press and massage your head because of a terrible pain. You look around his room and saw your clothes from yesterday, all fix in the near chair then you realize that you are just wearing a panty under the soft blanket.

"Oh shit! wait? did he removed all my clothes? damn him for doing that! ahhhhhgggg and thissss headache! wait! i need to go back now in my room, i need to take a shower too.... yeah that's the best thing to do now before he will comeback here..."

You rush to wear your clothes then fix his bed but before you will finish the huge door already opens and Doflamingo is there standing with a serious angry looks. You stared at him before turning your face away because you don't like to meet his serious angry face. He step forward to your direction, he grab your shoulder to face him and lifted up your chin to meet again his hidden eyes...

"why did you go out and drink last night without my permission?! did you try to escape huh?!"

He yells so you gathered first enough courage before you answered him back.

"Well.....yes! i planned to escape away from you because i don't want to stay here anymore, i want to go back in navy hq..."

He is still looking at you and now smiling, a sweet smile and not his signature smile. You suddenly felt a relief when you saw him smiling, his looks and aura is different with that kind of smile, you thought...

"You know i was so angry but much more worried last night, i thought you already left me? but i am sorry r/n i think you need to stay here with me now till i will let you go...

"what do you mean? why?! tell me!"

"I want you to stay with me because i like you! see, you always made a mistake but i am always forgiving you because i like you so much!"

"Hahahaha! you? the great womanizer will like someone like me? oh come on, don't make lies, please i really wanted to go out from here!" You laugh and yells at him, then you saw his veins popping on his forehead...

"I mean it r/n, i really like you and i want you to stay. This is my very first time to like someone so you must be happy and proud.!" he said again now with his signature smile, the smile of him that you really hate.

"Well i am not flattered and i am not happy staying here with you, with all of you! Living here is like a torture and it's like a prison...! and yeah thank you for bringing me home last night but i really i wanted to go back in navy hq. I'll go back now to my room i want to take a bath and i am going to prepare all my things... Bye!"

You walk away from his room and took a last glance before exiting but you felt so nervous and strange at the same time when you already reached your own room because he lets you go so easily without doing anything and saying any harsh talks, then you suddenly laugh when you remember him saying that he likes you..

"Like my ass!" you said before going inside the bathroom to take a shower since your headache started to attack again.

You are now in the middle of your bath when you saw the door opens, and Doffy is there standing while looking at you with a smirk, he walks inside and started to remove his shirt...

"Why are you here?! What are you planning to do?!" You shout covering your naked body with your hands...

Doflamingo did not speak only smirking then he moves his fingers and you feel his strings again in your wrist, now you are moving your hands at your back exposing your nakedness on his hidden eyes...

"Doflamingo stop it!"

"No baby i won't stop! today i am going to get my little price before i will let you go..." He told before joining you under the shower. Doflamingo grab your face starting to attack your lips with a wild kiss, you tried to stop and fight him but you have no chance since your hands are not free and he is also stronger and much taller than you, now he is wrapping his arms around your naked body while touching and massaging your butt before lifting you up putting your legs above his waist, and you can feel his hard thing inside his wet pants. You swallowed when you felt its hardness. He is still kissing your lips, now to your ears down to your neck, and his one expert hand starts to massage your big boobs making you to stop struggling while his other hand continued to touch and massage your butt making you more turned on and a soft moaned is now coming out from your lips.... He looks at you smirking after hearing your soft moaned then he removed his sunglasses exposing his blue set of eyes, you look to each others eyes with great desires.

"Say my name my little price..." he said then you felt your hands already free but you're great desire over Doflamingo is already in the highest level, you did'nt fight or push him away from you but instead you put your arms around his neck starting to kiss him out of your experties, and your legs becoming tighter craving for his hard manhood...

"say you want me too.." he said again in between your kisses while continue massaging your boobs and his other hand is now rubbing your sensitive spot giving you more pleasure and desire. He is making you more erotic and hot now. You moaned while saying those magic words...

"i want you now, make me yours please..." He smile then he unbuckle his pants exposing his huge erect manhood. You look at it making your eyes widen...

"Will it fit inside?" You asked with a curious and surprise looks. He just smile then nods..

"Lets go in bed baby i want you to be more comfortable.." He walks out from the bathroom while carrying you still kissing to each other and so wet, he lays you down the bed and positioned himself on top of you and in between your legs. You look into his blue eyes before he started to thrust inside your wet flower, you yelled because of the pain, he kiss your lips again and continue massaging your boobs to feel more erotic and to lessen the pain, he move again slowly then getting faster and harder... both of you moaning because of the great pleasure but you wanted to shout and punch his face at the same time because of the severe pain... After the great pain you felt comes the greatest pleasure.... You both reached the climax with a great satisfaction and happiness seen on your faces...

"I like you very much and i will do everything to make you like me too... But tell me first are you still going?" he asked you eye to eye while caressing your hair. You are caressing his soft cheeks too before asking him a question.

"Tell me first, since when did you like me Doflamingo?"

He smile. "Hmmmppp it was a month ago in navy hq, that time you were talking with Sengoku on his office, you saw me there too but you just ignored my presence. You look so different in my eyes and your aura was unique too at that moment. I think it was like at first sight? so during the warlords meeting i was so happy when you picked my name..."

" Really? i thought you were just making fun of me?"

"no! i am serious dear..."

"Then make me stay Doflamingo, lets try if we will work it out together?" You told him then whisper something to his ears, he smiled again because you are giving him a chance.... He kiss your lips again and preparing for round 2...

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