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Hiccup's POV

"What has been going on?" I asked everybody.

Everyone looked away, except for Astrid, her electrically blue eyes pouring into my skin.

"I was playing was Q-WAR, when the room got icy cold." Said Jack.

"I was walking in the woods." Eugene said.

"I was singing to the birds." Rapunzel said.

"I was building a snowman." Elsa said.

"I was shooting arrows bulls eye!" Merida said bragging.

"I was working out." Snotlout said, flexing his muscles.

"I was sleeping." I said.

"Nothing strange has been happening to me." Astrid said. "What about Ruff and Tuff? Think about it!"

"We try not to think about anything." Tuffnut said.

"Knowledge and brains can only take you so far." Ruffnut nodded.

"You have to smell it!"

"Breathe it!"

"Eat it!"

"Lick it!"

"Experience the horror!"

"Listen to-"

"The nut!"

"The nut knows everything!"

"The nut is beautiful."

"The nut is king!"

"The nut is grand!"

"Maybe  a nut knows what is happening to us." Astrid interrupted.

"Alas, the nut knows not." Tuffnut admitted, while Ruffnut nodded.

"Oh, this is just great." I muttered.

"Yeah, why are these idiots here anyways?" Snotlout said.

"That's rude, Snottiness!" Elsa said.

"Like you aren't!" Snotlout fired back.

"Back off of Elsa!" Jack said.

"Um-guys can we listen to-"I tried.

"No, Hiccup just shut up!" Eugene snapped.

"Eugene that was mean! Apologize to Hiccup!" Rapunzel yelled

"Yeah, Eugene. Or I'll burn you to ashes." Merida threatened.

"ALRIGHT EVERYBODY! SILENCE!" Astrid's voice boomed like thunder, her axe in her hand, attracting sparks, and everyone fell quite, nobody wanted to be on the wrong end of Astrid's axe.

"Wait! The nuts figured it out!" Ruffnut said.

"We have super powers!" Tuffnut said.

"Astrid's power is lightning and thunder, storms." Ruffnut said.

"Snotlout's is strength!" Tuffnut said.


"Eugene-fast, invisible, ultimate thief!"

"Rapunzel-Voice, Sound Waves, and Healing hair!"

"Ruffnut- Gas! And adaptability"

"Tuffnut-Sparks and adaptability!"

"Jack- Frost and cold, and ice!"

"Elsa- Snow and Ice"

"And young Hiccup here-" Tuffnut said, pointing to all of me.

"Can change into any dragon! Morphing Powers!" Ruffnut blurted out.

"How did you guys know this?" I asked, confused.

"It's called-"

"Following our guts!"

"Reaching  our inner mind!"


"Twin-geniuses!" they said at the same time.

"This is a nightmare. Just wake me up now." Astrid grumbled beside me. I grinned, at least someone  was still human. Without thinking, I held her hand, and I squeezed it.

If this is a dream-don't wake me up!

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