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Hans was of course thrown in jail after his evil and dark intentions during this tale.

The Duke of Wesselton, whom had been trying to steal trading secrets from Arendale, was sent home, and all trading connections with the two kingdoms were cut off.

Anna bought Kristoff a new sled, after she had destroyed his on their way to find Elsa. Naturally, it was the newest model, like she had promised. Kristoff was named the official icemaster and deliverer of Arendale, which he gladly accepted responsibility for. The two had shared their first kiss that day.

Olaf was the happiest snowman in all of summer. With his personal snow cloud, he managed to stay cold enough not to melt, but still enjoyed the other summer things that other snowmen couldn’t. Things such as sniffing flowers and not turning into puddles. He and Sven, the reindeer, became very good friends after Sven had gotten over not being able to eat Olaf’s nose.

Elsa had turned the courtyard of the town into one massive ice rink for the townspeople to skate on. Everyone in the kingdom thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the two royal sisters.

More importantly, Anna and Elsa decided to keep the gates open to the castle for everyone, and they never wanted to shut anyone out again.

What happened to Jack and the Guardians you may ask? Well, Jack and Elsa fell in love, but their difference between worlds was a bit of an issue. However, they did manage to come up with a compromise.


“Jack?” Elsa tapped the boy on the shoulder, making him turn around to look at her. It was the day after summer had returned, and everyone in the kingdom was still rejoicing. “I think I have something that might belong to you.”

From behind her back, Elsa pulled out Jack’s magical wooden staff. She held it out for him, and he grasped it in his hands with comfort. “Thank you,” he told her. The turned to look out above the courtyard, where citizens of Arendale were happily skating away. “So... what now?”

“What do you mean?” Elsa asked. She hadn’t really planned on what happened next.

“Well... I sort of need to go home Elsa,” Jack said reluctantly. “I have a duty to protect the children in my world, and make them believe. I can’t really do that from here.”

Elsa’s face fell. “So, you’re leaving me...?” After everything that they had been through, and she was still being left alone.

“That’s the thing.” Jack scratched the back of his neck, a habit of his, Elsa noticed. “I don’t know.”

Santa could be seen below, whirling around the gigantic rabbit that was the Easter Bunny. The Tooth Fairy and Sandman were both seen as well, laughing and smiling in joy. Elsa had become used to them being in Arendale already, and it had only been a day.

“Well... You came here with one of those portals, didn’t you?” She asked, and Jack slowly nodded, unaware of what she was getting at. “So, why don’t you go home? You can just come back and visit me again, right?”

Jack never really liked the idea of a long-distance relationship, even though he and Elsa weren’t technically in a relationship. But still, they never ended well. And now that he was in that position, he was having second thoughts.

“Yeah. I think that I’d like that,” he smiled, and Elsa smiled with him. It wasn’t perfect, but it was the only way really. It was a heck of a lot better than never being able to see each other again, so they were both pretty happy with it.

“Oh, and Elsa? There’s one more thing...” Jack started. Elsa looked up at him in curiosity. He looked her directly in the eye and said:

“I love you too.”

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