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I hit something hard and flopped down into a snow pile on the frozen lake. Rubbing my head and looking up through the flying snow, I realized that I had hit the hull of a ship.


I pushed myself to my feet and held up my arms to block my face from the winds. I tried to create a little shield or something, but without my staff, I was no match for Elsa’s great power.

I searched the white cloud around me for anything that could be Elsa, but had no such luck in finding her. The mixture of snow and sadness was too thick and opaque to see anything other than the looming shadow of the ship behind me.


My name was thrown at me suddenly, loud and Russian. There were a few choruses after it, one Australian, one feminine, and then... well nothing. But I knew exactly who it was that said nothing. It was someone who couldn’t say anything.

It was Sandy.

The other Guardians were there too, of course. But the golden grains that belonged to Sandman floated down and broke through the storm, like the ray of sunshine that I had first seen when I entered this world.

“Over here!” I shouted. A flittering, buzzing ball of green, purple and yellow zipped around until she heard my voice, and Baby Tooth came zooming at me. “Baby Tooth!” I exclaimed. “How’d you find me?”

“Well, we finally had the bright idea to actually use one of Santa’s globes to find your location, and take us there. All thanks too me, right?” the Australian voice said from underneath me.

“No way Bunny! It was my idea!” Tooth shouted over the wind as Bunny’s ears appeared out of a hole in the ice near my feet.

“You’re both wrong!” North’s accent was sharp and loud. “It was my idea!”

They began squabbling about the matter, yelling over the storm’s roar, and all the while I knew that it was Sandy’s idea to use the globe. But that didn’t really matter.

“Anyways! We just got here, and saw this huge swirling mass of ice and snow, so we figured it had to be you!” Tooth explained. Baby Tooth nodded to enhance her point.

“Exactly mate. So how about you cut out the whole magic ice storm thing and we can all go along with our days?” Bunny suggested. I shrugged.

“Sorry guys, but it’s not me. I don’t even have my staff.” I held out my empty hands. I didn’t know where it was, but I was assuming that my staff was hidden somewhere in Elsa’s ice castle, or the castle here in Arendale, where she and Anna used to live. “I can’t do anything.”

“Then who is making this huge mess?” North declared angrily. Boy, for a children’s guardian, he sure was aggressive.

I sighed. “I know who it is, and if you help me find her, we can stop this storm!” I told them. Tooth seemed a bit phased by the mention of a “her”, but in general, everyone seemed to agree. “You all have to help me reach the one who’s in the middle of the storm. Her name’s Elsa, and she has abilities similar to mine, but she doesn’t know how to use them yet,” I explained. “I just need to talk to her, and I’m sure that I can stop this storm!”

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” North exclaimed, and we all set off into the storm, the wind whipping our faces and the snow stabbing our skin, all calling out Elsa’s name in hopes of reaching her.

With a sudden gust, the wind intensified and the thickness of the snow lessened. I could barely make out Elsa’s figure. I saw her long shimmering dress through the snow, along with an all too familiar shape known as Hans. Looking around, I could see Anna shivering to my right, I knew that her heart was almost frozen over. Kristoff was somewhere shouting Anna’s name to the left.

“Is that her?” Tooth asked, pointing off to Elsa. I nodded, and she went to move towards her, but I grabbed her wrist.

“Not yet. I need to talk to her alone. Which means that the other person with her needs to be taken care of.” I knew that we had to wait for a little while longer. I wanted to make sure that Elsa was safe, but Hans was stopping that from happening. And maybe she would stop the storm on her own, which I didn’t want to get in the way of either.

Without any notice, the snow billowed up and flattened out, sinking into the  already frozen ice. Everything became clear, especially Elsa kneeling on the ground in front of me, sobbing. It was clear that Kristoff had seen Anna, and vice versa. The two began making their way towards each other. Anna’s hair was pure white, and her hands were clutched to her chest. It wasn’t hard to tell that she was freezing. Kristoff had almost reached Anna, but before he could, she turned to look at Elsa, wide-eyed and worried.

It was then that I saw Hans, lifting a sword above Elsa’s head, ready to lower it at any moment. I began to move, but Anna got there first, holding up her hand and blocking the sword, just as it came down to take Elsa’s life.

Ice crept up Anna’s body and encased her skin, locking her in an eternal statue. The metal of Hans’ sword shattered into a million pieces as it hit Anna’s frozen hand. A force threw Hans backwards onto his back as Anna’s last breath escaped her still lips.

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