Chapter 8

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Mack's POV

I walked through the green grass the breeze blowing my hair back the curls getting tangles together. I looked down at my long white dress feeling confused as I looked ahead at the bright white lights.

"Mack?" I turned around to see Cole running towards me a confused look on his face. "Why are you here?" 

"I'm not sure, but I think I'm dead." I said looking around as Cole stared at me.

"This wasn't planned, you can't be dead." Cole said confused as he turned around walking away from me.

"So I am dead?" I asked but he ignored me walking away as I looked back to the bright white light in front of me.

I started to walk towards the light, isn't that what dead people do to get into heaven?

"Mack, welcome." I smiled slightly at Chase as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Hi, Chase." I said sadly and Chase just smiled leading me up to large gates. The gates opened allowing Chase and I into a large city.

"Mackenzie Green, what are you doing here?" I looked in front of me to see a glowing white image walking towards me. It was so bright that I actually had to look away because it hurt my eyes.

"Uh, I'm dead?" I asked confused.

"I don't think you are ready to die, Mackenzie, please don't make me regret letting you go back." The figure said and everything started to fade, the people and the glowing image.

"Wait! Are you God?" I asked and the figure chuckled allowing me to see that there were two people, one person was to the left of the man that stood in the center.

"I am whoever you believe of me." He smiled and I swallowed nervously smiling back.

"I believe." I whispered and he waved at me sending me into darkness.  

I woke up with a gasp my throat hurting me to where it hurt to breathe. I looked around and noticed I was still on the couch at Beau's house but a blanket was thrown over me. I shoved the blanket off of me and looked down to see that my cuts were healed and there was no sign of injury or that I was ever dead. I stood up and walked over to the door opening it staring at the sun that was shining down from the sky above where I just was. I watched as a car pulled into the driveway and Mariah stepped out in a long black dress as she held a black purse in her hands tightly.

"Mariah." I called smiling over at her.

"Oh my gosh, I'm seeing things." Mariah said and I watched as tears started to pour down her face.

"No, it's me." I said crying as well.

"B-But how?" Mariah asked running over to me as she wrapped her arms around my waist holding me closely to her body.

"I-I don't know." I sobbed hugging Mariah tightly as she hugged me back.

"I thought I lost you forever." Mariah cried and I shook my head into her shoulder.

"I would always be there with you." I said and Mariah kissed my head and pulled away from me.

"Jai!" She yelled and I watched as Jai walked down the steps his eyes tired and red.

"M-Mack." he stuttered his eyes widening as he saw me.

"Hey." I said awkwardly waving at Jai.

"Mack." He said stronger now and he hugged me tightly making me rest my head on his chest.

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