Chapter 6

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Mack's POV

I angrily hit the punching bag in front of me as tears flowed down my face.

"Mack, come and eat dinner!" Luke yelled down the steps for the eighth time.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled back sending one last blow to the dangling bag in front of me as I wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"Mack, come up and eat. I made tacos." I looked over at Beau who stood by the steps his hands in his pockets.

"I said to leave me alone." I growled turning around feeling awkward seeing as I was in a sports bra and tight shorts.

"You are hungry, you have been down here for four hours punching that bag." Beau said as he started walking towards me. "Perrie is worried about you."

"I'm fine!" I screamed angry punching Beau in the arm hard as he tried to take me upstairs.

"Fine, Mack, fine." Beau sighed walking upstairs and slamming the basement door behind him.

I took my anger out on the punching bag for a few more seconds before I fell to the floor crying.

"It's my fault she's gone. I should have fought back, Jai should have saved her and not me." I sobbed putting my head into my hands taking the boxing gloves off.

"It's not your fault, there were three of them and one of Jai." I looked up at James as he smiled reassuringly at me sitting next to me on the floor.

"I should have fought back." I sobbed and James wrapped me into his arms letting me cry into his chest wetting his shirt.

"We are going to get her back, they can't be that terrible to her. They have some heart." James said and I let out a cry.

"It should be me and not her!" I sobbed and James held me in his lap cradling me.

"The worst they could do is take her back to London with them." James said trying to make me feel better but only making me worry more. I looked up at James my eyes wide and my breathing rapid.

"L-London." I asked swallowing nervously as James nodded confused.

"Why is that a problem?" James asked and I started crying again.

"She's never coming home!" I sobbed and James stared at me confused.

"Come on, Mack, be brave, brave for Marie." James said and I nodded standing up and wiping the tears away from my face as I hugged James again.

"Are they going to kill her?" I asked and James sighed.

"There are at least three or four people there that won't kill her." James said and my eyes widened.

"How many of them are there?!?" I asked looking up at James.

"Ten since the last time I saw them, there might be more." James said and I started crying again.

"I'm going to find her." I said as I out a shirt on and walked over to the door that led to one of the large closets in the basement. I opened the door and turned the light on staring at the different guns that lined the walls and the knifes.

"You can't go alone." James smirked at me grabbing a bullet proof vest out from another closet in this closet.

"You in?" I asked and James nodded,

"I have something to settle with this gang too." He growled and I nodded as James held a bullet proof vest in his arms for me. I took the vest and he took his shirt of putting the vest on before pulling his shirt back over and slipped a jacket on over everything.

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