Chapter 5 - Another Watch User?

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O/O/Y/C = Outfit of Your Choice
F/F = Favorite Food

Yk/n slowly lifted their head off the pillow and yawned, ears perking up. They rolled over lazily and turned to face the clock, what they saw gave them a horrified expression on their face. Y/n slept in!

"Y/N, WAKE UP, YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL, NYAN!!" Yelled Yk/n, jumping on top of you while flailing their paws.

Your eyes bolted open and as you sprang up, sending Yk/n flying across the room with a huge thud following afterwards.

"NYAAAAA!!" Yk/n screeched.

"School starts in less than twenty minutes! I'm going to die-" You said panicky as you rushed over to your closet, pulling out O/O/Y/C. After getting changed you ran downstairs to the bathroom and quickly brushed your teeth and hair.

Yk/n grabbed your F/c backpack and handed it to you. You gave them a quick thank you before putting it on your back and charging out the door and hopping on your F/c bike.

You arrived at the school and parked your bike.

"Wow, this place looks really nyice, nyan!" Yk/n Commented.

The two of you entered the school doors and made your way to your locker. You pulled out the books you needed and Yk/n had your schedule at paw.

"According to your schedule, we nyeed to head to the second floor and find room 5-2, nyan." They announced.

The two of you ran up the stairs and located your room.

Yk/n let out a sigh of relief. "We made it in time, nyan..."

As everyone took their seats, the teacher called you up to the front of the room.

"Hello class! Today we have a new student," the teacher said as they turned their head to you. "Would you like to introduce yourself?"

"My name is Y/n, I moved here from H/t not very long ago. I was absent the first few days because I had to help with moving."

You could see Yk/n in the back jumping up and down while holding a sign that said "Go Y/n!". You giggled to yourself, but of course you were the only one who could see it.

You finally took your seat and class started. It went on for what felt like hours, you sat there bored as Yk/n dozed off. You were happy though that they decided to come with you.

As time went by, the bell rang signaling it was lunch time. Everybody got up and started heading to the cafeteria to get their lunch.

"Aaaaahh... I'm so hungry, nyan..." Groaned Yk/n as they crawled on top of your head.

Lazy cat.

You returned to your classroom carrying your tray of F/F. Just like in your old school, there wasn't really much to eat when it came to school lunch, in the future you would probably have to bring extra food for Y/n.

While you were eating, an orange haired male student wearing headphones caught your attention. They seemed extremely distraught.

"What happened to all my chocolate bars?! I swear I put 15 of them in my bag last night..." He said.

"I dunno Kanchi(Eddie), maybe you didn't actually pack them and you forgot." Said another male student.

"I know for a fact that they were in there, Kuma(Bear)! Somebody must have stolen them..."

Yk/n walked up next to you. "Huh, it seems like Kanchi really thinks that he brought them to school. Could it possibly be the work of a Yo-kai, nyan?"

"Good thinking!"

You pushed the button on the side of your watch and a light emitted from it. You shun the light in every corner of the room until you focused it on a shadowy figure. A purple aura formed around the figure, unmasking it to be a red cat Yo-Kai. His face was covered in chocolate.

"JIBANYAN, HAVE YOU LEARNED ANYTHING ABOUT TAKING THINGS THAT AREN'T YOURS?!" You heard a male voice yell. They ran up and grabbed the cat Yo-kai by the throat, but they seemed unfazed. The boy had spiky brown hair along with a red T-shirt showing a white star in the middle. What really caught your eye was the fact he had a red and gold Yo-kai Watch around his wrist, differing from yours.

Wait. This kid could see Yo-kai too?!

Y/n's Current Amount of Yo-kai Friends: 2


Woah, a new chapter! You don't see that everyday, haha... This was originally going to be a lot longer but I wanted to get a new chapter out seeing how it's been ages. I'm also planning on doing another book alongside this one. Hint: it's related to both Yo-kai Watch and Pokémon, and it's not a reader insert. Hope you all have a great day!

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