Chapter 2 - Komasan

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2:00 Pm
"C'mon Yk/n!" You shouted, your voice echoing through the hallway. "I'm going out for ice cream!"

"I'm coming, just give me a moment!" Yk/n replied while taking the last bites of their chocobar.

After saying goodbye to your parents, you slipped on your P/c shoes and P/c hoodie before sprinting out the door with Yk/n trailing behind. You then walked up to your F/c bike which was leaning against the house and lifted yourself onto the seat as Yk/n hopped into the front basket. You hit your foot against the kickstand and took off, pedaling furiously. Your speed startled Yk/n but after a minute or two they seemed like they were having fun.

2:20 Pm
"We're here!" You announced as you parked your bike at the Mogmog Burger. "Are you gonna want anything?"

"If it's nyot any trouble, a chocolate ice cream cone would be nyice, nyan."

"Haha, not a problem." You replied as the two of you walked in the entrance.

When you came in, there were two brunettes sitting at the counter in red uniforms with smiles on their faces. You walked up to the one on the left to place your order.

"Hello, welcome to Mogmog Burger, how may I help you?" The cashier asked.

"I'd like two medium ice cream cones, one chocolate and the other F/f." You replied, digging money out of your pocket. You gave the cashier your money and she placed it in the register before disappearing into the back for a few minutes. When she came back she had two ice cream cones and she handed them both to you. You took them and headed to the back of the restaurant with Yk/n.

You found an empty booth and sat down, Yk/n taking a seat next to you. "Here you go!" You said, handing the chocolate cone to Yk/n.

Yk/n gave you a confused look. "There's nyothing on it, nyan?"

"What?" You looked at the empty cone you held in your hand and then looked at yours, it was also empty. "What happened? There was ice cream in it a second ago..."

"Do you think somebody nyabbed it while we weren't looking, nyan?" Asked Yk/n.

"I think we would've seen it if that were the case... there isn't even anyone in this side of the restaurant anyways..." you replied.

After a moment of silence, Yk/n bolted up. "Y/n! Try shining the watch around the area, this may be the work of a Yo-Kai, nyan!"

You did as you were told and and pushed the button on the side of your watch, the light once again emitting from the device. You pointed it in multiple directions before a purple aura started to form, revealing the ice cream thief.

Standing before you was a cream colored komainu with two flaming blue eyebrows. He had red swirls on his cheeks and sides, a blue patch on his stomach, along with yellow eyes. He wore a green sack on his back covered in white swirls.

"Mongeeee~!" The Yo-Kai shouted in amazement. "Y'all can see me?!"

"Yeah, we sure can." Said Yk/n with a death stare. "And that sure isn't good for you, you took my ice cream. NYOBODY takes my ice cream! Lets put him in his place Y/n! Y/n?"

Yk/n looked over and you were gone. They looked back at the newly discovered Yo-Kai and sure enough you were right there.

"SO CUUUUUTE~!" You screeched, Yk/n sweatdropped, unimpressed.

"Daw, y'all are so sweet, zura~." Said the Yo-Kai. "The names Komasan, what's yours, zura?"

"Y/n," you replied, stars filling your eyes. "You're so adorable!"

Yk/n looked at you in anger. "Are we just going to ignore the fact this thief stole our ice cream, nyan?"

You looked down, you knew it wasn't right and you had to speak up. You gave Komasan a stern look. "Komasan, why did you take our ice cream? Stealing really isn't right..."

Komasan's smile turned into a frown. "I'm sorry, zura... it's just a habit. When I have a craving for ice cream, I just gotta have it. I can't handle myself, zura..."

"Doesn't make it right..." You replied, your hand resting on your chin trying to think of an idea. The two Yo-Kai stared at you waiting for you to speak.

"Okay Komasan," you finally said. "If I give you money to pay for your own ice cream, do you promise you'll stop stealing?"

Komasan pulled out a leaf and looked down at it. "I dunno, zura. It would be really kind of y'all, I'll try my best, zura."

Komasan took the leaf he was holding and placed it on his head, and to your amazement, a purple smoke surrounded him and he now looked human. You handed Komasan some money and he thanked you before walking up to the counter.

"Do you really think this'll work? That much money can't buy him ice cream for more than a day, nyan." Yk/n piped in.

"I know," you replied. "But I really don't have any other ideas. We can't have him stealing from others..."

You two watched Komasan as he approached the cashier nervously.

"Congratulations!" You heard the cashier yell. "You're our 10,000th customer, your prize is free ice cream for life!"

Komasan's face lit up. "MONGEEEEE~!" Komasan yelled with excitement as you and Yk/n cheered.

2:40 Pm
"Congratulations Komasan, I'm so happy for you!" You said gleefully.

"Thank ya'll so much, zura. If ya ever need me, know I'll be right there to help, zura." Komasan said as he held out his paw. You put your hand near his and a glow illuminated the room, a silver medal fell into the palm of your hand.

"Haha, thanks!" You said. "I'll be sure to!"

Komasan smiled and walked off, disappearing without a trace.

Yk/n looked up at you. "Y'kynow, I'm nyot in the mood for ice cream right nyow anymore. I just wanna go home and eat my chocobars, maybe even take a nyap, nyan."

"Let me get my ice cream and we can head home."

Y/n's Current Number of Yo-kai Friends: 2

Y/n: It's recap time!
Yk/n: Hey Y/n, who'd you meet today, nyan?
Y/n: Komasan!
Komasan: *devours ice cream in the background*
Yk/n: Komasan from the Purichi tribe has an unhealthy obsession with ice cream, nyan!
Komasan: *inches towards Y/n's ice cream cone while drooling*
Y/n: Hey! That's mine!


Aaaah this chapter took forever to write. Couldn't really think of any good ideas, hope you guys like it. I'm also going to be doing these recaps at the end of each chapter because it kind of adds to the story I guess. ALSO 1000+ WORDS AHHH

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