Chapter 10

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I opened my eyes and slowly sat up and saw Jasper walking towards me I was in a hospital it was bright outside

“hey you ok?”

“Ya what happened?”

“well this whole time you were in a corner no talking no nothing so I took you here and they fixed you cause they told me you had catatonic schizophrenia”

“I-I-I did?” he nodded “so I was never a serial killer?”

“no” he smiled

“I’m free!” I hugged him he spun me around

“I love you”

“I love you more” I kissed him


“MOM! DAD!” I screamed hugging them tight

“Ashlyn you ok sweetie” they hugged me I began to cry I’ve been trapped inside my thoughts since I could remember I havent ate, slept, or talked in forever nothing was real I wasn't in a mental institution for the criminally insane nor was Jasper I wasn't tortured or raped I was perfectly fine this entire time!

I smiled at Jasper he smiled back

“I'm free of my crazy insane thoughts”   

“ya now you're in the real world with your real boyfriend and you're real family”

“I missed long was I like this”

“ever since you were 14 they put you in an insane asylum but nothing so they brought you home they tried everything but nothing we didnt want you to die so we feed to through a tube and I was so upset and I havent talked to you or have you say I love you back in 4 years I would tell you I love you but you’d just rock back and forth,or twitch,or cry and then I’d cry cause I thought if they never found a cure you’d be stuck like that so I’d stay here night and day and wait for you then something terrible happened you began to shake and scream and you’d just terrify and you stood in the hospital and they observed you and told me what you had and they tried a year ago and nothing so we waited a year and you're fine now”

“Oh Jasper I love you so much”

“I love you too”

“I'm glad my insane thoughts left and I have you now”

“I'm glad to” I pressed my lips tightly against his. I'm finally free

A/N-Sorry this was so short I didnt plan on it being this short I just ran out of ideas so I made the ending where she has Catatonic Schizophrenia and they preformed Lobotomy and everything she went through in this book was just her imagination running wild but I hope you enjoyed it :) 

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