Chapter 8

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“A-A-A-Aaron...” he smirked grabbing my hips

“I missed you Ash” he whispered in my ear. Aaron was one of my friends he cracked a long time ago before I did like 6 and then he killed his mom and....well I helped he got out of the asylum 2 years ago he wants to mess me up like his dad did to his mom. His dad raped his mom and she got Aaron a sick twisted child His dad left when he was done with his business which was when aaron was 12 and Aaron was scared because he would hear her crying for help but he couldn't do anything..and he was tortured by his so called “dad”.He would smack him around he’d burn him...Aaron has to do something to get his father's mind out of him but he can't and he’s raped 14 girls and i'm his next victim ever since one day when me and him were 11 I never trusted him. I looked at Aaron he pulled me closer


I gripped the blanket close to my chest “You're a lovely girl Ash...don't you know that hmm” he smiled I closed my eyes “Hmm ash?”

“N-n-n-no...” I stuttered bruises and cuts covered my body  

“oh well now you know” his cold fingertips ran up and down my back we heard someone trying to open the door but Aaron couldn't leave because it was too late

“JASPER!” my eyes widened I wrapped the blanket around my body and hugged him

“are you ok!? he held me close to his warm body

“No..” he let go Aaron backed up

“hey now I was just being ...uhm err-” he backed up

“you little rapist just like your daddy why don't you stop and go back from where you came from!” he snapped Aaron climbed out the window and Jasper shut it. “want me to stay here?” I nodded he laid down I changed back into my clothes and laid next to him he wrapped his arms around my waist I grabbed his hands and fell asleep.

“” I spoke quietly I walked down my stairs slowly they weren't there but the music was playing it was Mr.sandman. I paused it and turned and saw my dead parents skinned dangling from a ceiling “MOM! DAD!” I screamed backing up

“Ashlyn whats wrong..didnt you want this?” I turned to see Aaron I gasped

“Ashlyn I’m sorry!” Jasper screamed I turned to see jasper in tears

“Honey are you?” my mom grabbed my shoulder she was decaying I backed up and felt a knife stab me I screamed.I shot up it was bright Jasper was still asleep I sat on the edge of the bed

“Ashlyn...are you ok?” Jasper said

“Uhh...I-erm-i’m fine” I rubbed my eyes and smiled

“good” I brushed my hair  changed and left Jasper ran out

“where are you going?” I turned and put my finger to my lips and said

“shhhh” he nodded I turned back around and grabbed a knife “sometimes I think everyone deserves to DIE!” I screamed throwing the knife at someones head everyone just stared “THATS RIGHT I'M CRAZY!” I screamed taking the knife out of their hand

“whos next!”


I laid down on the floor and sang ‘asleep by the smiths’ Jasper walked in and smiled

“you know you have a beautiful voice?” I nodded still singing when I stopped I sat up

“you know i'm leaving?”


“ya my time here in this world has ended Jasper” I smiled sadly

“what are you gonna do?”

“nothing...i'm gonna live in that padded cell” I bit my lip

“I love you don't you ever forget that”

“I promise” I hugged him

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