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It's been years since my days of being afraid of my father and worrying about passing initiation. I have grown and become a fearless dauntless leader. At this time, I stand at the edge of the chasm. I think back to my good times. I married Lynn and Shauna's younger brother, Hector. He was older than me by a few years, but in Dauntless, age doesn't matter. I wish that he and I were together here today, about to take our last leap of faith together, but he can't. After Lynn, Shauna, Zeke, Marlene, Uriah, Christina, Will, Tris, and Tobias all jumped together, he fell into a state of depression. To be honest, I did too. I had been considering taking the leap for the past fortnight, but I didn't expect to wake up one day to his body being pulled up. The broken feeling in my heart is something that can't be repaired. All of my friends, my husband, everything has come to an abrupt stop. Except me. I am falling, endlessly so it seems, this chasm is long and time seems to slow, trying to give me the longest last moments. One moment becomes many and I see all of my friends reaching out to me. Everything I ever could have hoped for was waiting for me. Right there. All I had to do was let go. Let go and explore the new adventure, the Great Perhaps.

Thank you for reading. I'm sorry it is so bad.

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