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Chapter 11

Today is visiting day, so Uriah and I are going to see some of the initiates' parents. I want to mess around a little, play some pranks.

I meet Uriah in the pit and we start moving, looking for initiates. I see Kalina and her Candor parents.

"Hello, Kalina." I stand formally and look professional.

"Oh, Mom, Dad, this is Melanie and Uriah. They're my instructors." Her parents nod, and typical Candorish-ness, immediately ask about my tank, age, ect.

"Why do you have that tank? How are you, a child, qualified to teach our talented daughter?" Her father asks all at once.

"Well, let me take you on a tour and I will tell you on the way." We lead them to the training room.

"Even though I am quite young, I am somewhat of a Dauntless Prodigy. I need this tank to help my crap lungs not suck at being lungs. Welcome to the training room." They stare for a second, then go back to asking questions- typical Candor.

"So what are your qualifications? What makes you so good?" Her mom is almost glaring at me, resting her hands on Kalina's shoulders, protectively.

"I have the least number of fears in Dauntless history." Her mother stays quiet, then asks the question.

"A kid like you? What do you have like 12 fears or something." She says it dismissively. "I'm sure Kalina can beat whatever number it is." I smirk.

"That would be hard, you know, since I don't actually have any fears." I say casually, picking at my nails.

"Not only that, but she is extremely good at the physical stuff, too." Uriah speaks for the first time.

"How can she be?" The father asks, very rudely, "She's a cripple."

"Who you calling a cripple, bitch?" I grin, "Watch and learn." I grab 3 knives, a gun, and a random guy from outside. First, I stand all the way across the room from the targets. I aim, then throw all three knives in quick succession. They all hit the bullseye. Next, I take the handgun, and shoot all of the targets dead center. Lastly, I dial up my oxygen and tell the random guy to bring it.

"Don't hold back, buddy." I grin.

"It won't make a difference either way." He looks defeated. We quickly square up, then, like lightning, my arm springs forward. I hit him in the gut, then sweep kick his legs out and punch his temple. He goes out. Her parents look stunned, but still snobby.

"I am sure Kalina is better than that, right dear?" Her mom asks her. The little skank actually has the nerve to nod her head.

"Ok, bring it." I crack my knuckles. She steps forward confidently and we square up. I let her make the first move, and just to be a coward, she goes for my cannula. It is a really catfight type move, so I respond by bitch slapping her. I smack her so hard, that she falls over. She managed to rip out my cannula, seeming to think that it would faze me. Instead, I jump on top of her, pinning her arms down, and punch her again and again. I brake her nose, get her good in the jaw, and on the cheek. Then I smack her really hard on the other cheek and knock her out. Too easy.

"Time?" I ask Uriah.

"Forty five seconds." We high five.

"Agghhh. This is savage. You are a horrible instructor. I will have the leaders fire you! Uhhgg." Her father and mother look raving mad.

"Uri, take her to the clinic. Maybe drop her a few times." I wink. Her parents storm off, looking for the leader office. This will be fun. Since Four and Tris are getting older, and want a family, I am faction ambassador and main leader. I hurry to my office, through a shortcut, and get there before the terrible two do. I position my back to them, hiding behind my big backed chair. They nock, and I tell them to enter in a falsely low voice.

"Hello, we have come to discuss a matter with you that involves a trainer. She is unfair and biased to our daughter." I wait, as Uri enters and stands next to my desk.

I quickly spin around, "PSYKE! Suckers! Haha! Yeah, that's right I'm also a leader!" Their faces were priceless. Uriah and I crack up and roll around laughing.

"Guards! Get these buffoons out of here, including the kid. If she's as good as her parents say, then she shouldn't even train, in fact, she is too good for Dauntless. I will allow her to go back to Candor, but only as a bathroom janitor." The guards hustle them away. Their faces though! 😱😱😱😵😵😵😖😑😮😯

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