The Switch

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This year was actually the best year for me it had its ups and downs but what year doesn't am I right? This was also the year I began to resent my mom, my dad began to be calmer and shallow, she became more demanding and unbearable to live with. Can you do this or that? Why don't you do things right? I don't ask much from you? The verbal abuse began right after the physical abuse ended because I got older.

Verbal abuse is still with me today weather its my mom, friend, siblings, grandparents. I've become so used to it that I barely even recognize it. Every night I think back to everything that was said to me or this I said overthink everything or analyze every word. Do you know that quote "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me"? I'm told that quote every time I talk to someone, that quote is a lie, words hurt and I'm a witness and I've been affected as well.

The older generation don't understand the pain and suffering one of our peers or acquaintances can bring upon us. There are so many quotes our parents or grandparents tell us that we look at and begin to see how untrue they are.  One thing I do agree with is looking through someone else's eyes try to think what there thinking, see what they see, feel what they feel. Once you do these things or at least get a glimpse then you will truly know how that person lives and start the recovery process with them not by their side, but WITH them. Be what they need you to be, do what they need you to do, help them in anyway even if it means hugging for 10 minutes straight or just holding him/her. If your partner, friend, family member, or anyone needs anything and I mean anything do it.

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